Chapter 8

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Bellamy's pov

Clarke and I were discussing what happened when we were cut off by hearing screaming from the dropship, I was confused until I remembered one important thing that no one took action on. Nina was shot with an arrow.

"BELLAMY! IT'S NINA!" I heard Octavia scream, making me spin around

Clarke and I took off running towards the dropship only to see a past out Nina. I quickly walked towards her before dropping to my knees, I picked up her upper body before pulling her close to me. Clarke looked at her left shoulder before she got the needle and thread then got to work. I wiped the lone tear that went down her cheek making guilt and fear shoot through me, when Clarke was done I picked Nina up and took her to mine- I mean our tent. I set her down on the bed before covering her up with the blanket. I sat down next to her before laying my forehead on hers.

"I'm sorry, Nina." I whispered, "I promise, I'll never hurt you again."

I kissed her forehead before walking out of the tent with dread running through my veins. I sat down one of the logs before Octavia sat down next to me.

"You know, if you like her so much why don't you just ask her out." She said, making me look at her before looking down at my hands

"She's too innocent for that," I said, making her scoff

"You are an idiot, Bell." She said, making me glare at her "She likes you, but she's just scared."

A smile formed onto my face hearing that.

"Alright, yeah." I said while nodding my head "I'll do it tonight."

We smiled at one another before we sat in comfortable silence.

Nina's pov

I woke up to people talking outside and a slight glow of a lantern, I open my eyes to see that it was night time. I sat up with a groan of pain, I grabbed my shoulder before getting off the bed. I walked out of the tent to see that everyone was walking around or on watch, I saw Bellamy sitting by the campfire with Octavia and Finn making me walk over there with a small smile.

"Hey, guys." I greeted, making everyone look at me. They sighed in relief before Finn and Octavia got up and gave me a hug "You guys alright?"

"We were so scared for you, Nina," Octavia says, gripping me tighter making me hiss in pain.

They both jump back which made Bellamy shoot up, I raised my hands up with a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, you just squeezed my shoulder that's all," I said, making them nod

Bellamy walked over and gave me a hug softly, I hugged him back with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Nina." He apologized, making me sigh

"It's fine, just next time don't be a dumb-dumb," I said, making him laugh

We released one another before we all sat down and started talking about anything and everything. Everyone started circling around the fire at this point making me and Bellamy walk away, Bellamy grabbed my hand making me look at him confused.

"Come on, I want to show you something." He said I nodded before we started on our journey

We were walking for a while before I saw the familiar glow where the butterfly's live, I smile grew on my face before I released Bellamy's hand and took off towards it making him chuckle. When I arrived I saw a blanket and a basket waiting for us making me look at it confused, Bellamy laid a hand on my non-injured shoulder making me look at him.

"Shall we?" He asked

I nodded before we walked over and sat down. He took out many different kinds of fruit that I'm guessing Monty found on one of his walks while we ate we were talking about our pasts and started getting to know one another. Before, I knew it he went silent.

"You alright, Bell?" I asked he sighed before standing up

"Nina, I wanted to ask you this the moment I knew that you were different." He said while helping me stand up "I know, that I have done unspeakable things to you and your brother and I'm sorry for that."

At this point, I was looking at him confused and a little nervous.

"Nina, will you be my girlfriend." He said, making me blush

"Wait, you like like me?" I asked, making him laugh

"Yes, Nina I like like you." He said, making my blush darker

"Um, s-sure." I said, with a smile

Next thing I know, I was lifted up into the air making me laugh and cling onto Bellamy. He spun us around making us both laugh, he set me down before we stared into each other's eyes. Next thing I know, his lips were in mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waist while he cupped my cheeks, I felt butterfly's in my stomach and sparks were flying around. I've never felt anything like this before and this must be what Octavia was talking about when she and Lincoln kissed for the first time. We release one another for a breather, we rest our foreheads against one another with smiles on our faces.

"Come on, we should head back." He said

I nodded my head before we walked back to the camp hand in hand, I was very happy. I never knew that Bellamy liked liked me and I didn't think that he would ask me to be his partner. Maybe getting taken away from the grounder territory was a good thing after all. I have friends, freedom, a partner, and I can always wake up and feel the sun on my face. I could never do that in the cave, although I do miss my brother. . . . Maybe, I can ask Octavia to let me go with them for a visit next time she sneaks off to go see him. When we arrived back to camp we didn't know how late it was until we saw that everyone was asleep and the fire was put out, Bellamy and I walked over to our tent and started getting ready for bed. I kicked my shoes off before laying down on my side of the bed, Bellamy kicked off his shoes as well but he took off his shirt making me blush. He smirked at me before laying down on his side of the bed, I cuddled up next to him before sleep overtook me. The last thing I felt before falling asleep was Bellamy kissing my forehead than everything went black.

The Shy Grounder - Bellamy Blake x Reader -Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu