Rest In Heavenly Peace

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20 years later...

Todoroki's POV

My husband, Izuku Midoriya, became the #2 hero. I, Shoto Todoroki, shockingly became #1.

I threw a large wall of ice at a very large villain. Once he was distracted, Izuwu threw a strong One For All punch at him. The villain hit the ice wall.

That villian got knocked out from the strong force. Then, about thirty other villains came. Izuku went after one. The villain grabbed him, throwing him into a concrete wall about 50 meters away. He was all bloody, and he couldn't move.

I stood in shock. I wasn't paying attention, so the same thing happened to me. All I seen was darkness. And that was all I seen after that.

One week later

Kirishima's POV

Bakugo and I got married about 11 years ago. We walked hand in hand, into the church, to attend the funeral  of dearest Midoriya and Todoroki passing. I have been balling for the past week. We all became pro hero's.

Bakugo tried his best to comfort me, but really didn't work since he has been really sad. Bakugo and I sat in the front row, where most of their friends and family are. I leaned my head on Bakugo's shoulder, trying not to cry.

"Babe?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the two males caskets. "Yes?" I hear Bakugo state, with a sad expression in his voice. Bakugo seems like a pretty tough guy, but he is really soft and sensitive to this kind of stuff.

"Why did they have to die so soon?" I look up at him. "They put up their fight. And they fought long and hard. But, it was their time to go. They went together, at least" Bakugo says, looking over at their caskets.

Bakugo's POV

The funeral had soon begun. I was a mess. I was pissed. Kirishima and I got to do our own speech, since the two boys wanted us to each make up a speech when they die. I had to start my speech first, so once it was time I stood up, and walked up to the front of the room with my piece of paper.

"Deku and Todoroki were great people. We never really got along, but we managed to work things out. Izuku was such a friendly, smart, and funny boy. Even though he would really piss me off sometimes, he was a great person. He never, ever has hesitated to take a blow for someone else, and that's why I respect him. He will do something for someone no matter the cost. Even if it meant dying, he would fight. Shoto, was a loving, protecting, and strong young man. No matter how bad we would argue, he would never give up. Shoto protected Izuku from anything. He almost got himself killed a couple times saving Izuku from me. People never thought Todoroki was a bright young man, but he would shine in his own ways. I'm going to miss their smiles and their laughs. We all are. But the most important thing is, they are together. They will forever be together. Sleep in heavenly peace, Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki."

Everyone applauded. I didn't realize I was crying, until I sat back down and touched my face. Kirishima gave me a thumbs up and a smile, and walked up to the front of the room to do his speech.

Kirishima's POV

Bakugo started crying in his speech. And he only cries when he really cares. I gave him a thumbs up and a soft smile, and walked up to the front of the room with my paper.

"Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya were the manliest men I've ever seen. They were so strong. Todoroki was a great partner. He was always the best person to partner up with in groups, since he always had a great plan. Todoroki and I would always find a way to hang out on weekends, and same with Midoriya. We all had a lovely ass bond. Midoriya, such a sweet young male. He would always be nice, to whomever he came across. Midoriya had created my bond with Todoroki, and I'm certainly never going to complain about it. I remember all the times we would go shopping, go to concerts, and even fight villians. But sadly, that stuff is just history now. An important part in history. Rest in peace, pro hero's Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki"

I was balling. My best friends were gone. No, they aren't. They are in our hearts. Bakugo, the others, and I walked outside and watch their caskets lowered into the ground, right next to each other. I hugged Bakugo, and started crying.

Rest in heavenly peace, Shoto and Izuku

Authors note

791 WORDS! IM SO SORRY I HAD TO END IT I COULDN'T THINK IF ANYTHING ELSE! I was thinking of doing a Captain Levi x Reader fanfic, does that sound good? Thank you all for so many views and all of the love. I appreciate it all! This has a word total of 845.

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