I-im sorry...

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Todoroki's POV

I ran over to Dad Aizawa. (Yes, im going to call him that) I seen that he has frost on his leg. I warm up my hand and place it on his leg quickly.

He jumps back up. "Go fight of the villains about a mile away. I have trust in you. Send your location only if anything happens.", I look over at him. Im not going to deny his request. "Yes, sir"

I use ice to quickly move me to about a mile away, and I find Dabi. He most likely be able to recognize me.

I quickly throw ice his way. He burns it. "Well, well, well. Look who it is. My brother. Who i told to not get involved." He gave me a intimidating smile. "You really think I was going to let you destroy the city?", I say, sending fire his way.

He gets knocked back. I get in battle position. I grabbed 2 swords that were at Dad Aizawa's house, that whenever you go to send your quirk somewhere it will go directly to the way you are pointing it.

I grabbed the swords. He got back up, swifty. He sends his bright blue fire towards me. I jumped out the way, almost hitting a wall, but protecting myself from that with my ice. I use the sword, sending ice right at him. He was fast, but not fast enough. He got knocked down. He had passed out.

"I'm sorry Toya. But I have to take you to jail. For Japan's sake. I seen a pro hero. It's Midnight. "Todoroki? What are you doing here?", She had seen my brother, and stopped. "Nevermind about that. Is he a villian?", I nodded my head. "I'll take him for you. I think Aizawa must have let you come. Be safe.", She grabbed Dabi.

"Yes, ma'am.", I said and started running to a Nomu. All Might could barely take these guys out, but I think I have it in the bag. "Woah! Look at that kid! He looks like a pro hero!", I heard many people say, but I continued to run to the Nomu.

I quickly send a blast of fire to him, with the sword. He screeched out in pain. Hmm I don't think they all have the same quirk. As soon as I shot fire to it, it turned into dust. I think most of them do, though. So I must be careful. Dad, you better be okay.

I ran over to a villian. It was Toga. When she seen me, she laughed. I knew she knew it was me. "Wow Todoroki! You really believed that Izuku was kissing Ochaco! Hehehe it was me!", I then and there gave her a death glare. I gripped tighter on the swords.

I sent ice everywhere, making a mist like look. I knew she couldn't see. I ran up behind her. I stabbed her right in the back with the sword. She fainted, as I pushed on a pressure point on her neck. I didn't see any more villains around, luckily. I ran over to the police station, since it was close. I ran her in, giving the man in there a slight nod.

"She is a villian.", I say, and run out. I heard a scream. Dad!

I ran as fast as possible to Mr. Aizawa. I seen a Nomu, swinging him by his hair. I took a sword and threw it at the Nomu's brain. It hit him. He dropped Dad. Luckily, I caught him. He looked drained. I played him down, on the sidewalk, not too far from me.

Midnight ran in. "Shoto, Eraserhead, cover your nose!", We both covered our noses. She let out her sleep inducing aroma from he body, and the Nomu fell right asleep.

"Take Aizawa back home. I will cover his shift. Is that understood?", I looked up at her. "Yes, ma'am.", I start running over to Aizawa. "Such formal language! It kinda turns me on!", I slightly blushed. I grabbed Dad and ran back home. He fell asleep.

I opened the door, and walked in. I went to Aizawa's room, laying him down. I sighed. He really pushes himself.

I changed out of my costume, and got into my pajamas. I lied down, and fell asleep.

Help Me... (Depressed Todoroki x Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ