Chapter 10

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Valentines Day!

(Y/N)'s POV- Period 1

Text from Blocked Number- Hey (Y/N) you're the only one who can help me with a problem and give me an honest answer. Can I talk with you during lunch?
Me: Who is this?
Blocked Number: Your Ex Best Friend. I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't desperate. PLEASE!!!
Me: Alright I'll agree to speak to you. But no funny business.
Ex Best Friend: I promise- No funny business.


I walked up to where my ex best friend was sitting and asked, "What do want to talk about?"
She takes out a pregnancy test and it's positive.
"(Y/N) I'm pregnant. I told my boyfriend but he wants me to get an abortion. But I want to keep the baby. If I keep the baby, I'll no longer have a boyfriend..."
"Why didn't you talk to Cecelia about this?" 
"I did (Y/N)! She was horrible to me! Saying I wouldn't make a good mother even if I tried."
I told her what she wanted to hear, "I think you should keep the baby. Dump your boyfriend. Get rid of all negative influences. And lastly, no more bullying others, it might rub off on your baby and it hurts others."
"Wow you were nicer to me then I thought you would be. Thanks for giving me an honest answer." , said my Ex Best Friend.
"Your welcome."

Gladion's POV- 4pm

I did homework in my room.
(Y/N) didn't come by which to me was weird.
So I decided to snoop, I saw (Y/N) hanging out with her Ex best friend.
Are they friends again?
What's going on here?
Me: What's your ex best friend doing here?
(Y/N) ❤️: I'll tell you later. I promise. I'm helping her through something.
Me: Okay. Don't let her brainwash or blindside you like last time. Promise me?
(Y/N) ❤️: Gladion, I promise. 💖
(Y/N) ❤️: Love you. You worry wort!

(Y/N) came in my room around an hour later and explained everything to me.
"That makes sense (Y/N). But I still wouldn't completely trust her." , I said.
"Trust me Gladion, I'm still keeping my guard up around her." , (Y/N) said.
"Something doesn't make sense to me though, why would she come to you of all people?" , I asked.
"Apparently Cecelia wasn't supportive..... so she came to me and asked for my honest answer..." , (Y/N) replied.
"Oh okay. So you told her to keep the baby?! What were you thinking?" , I asked, in shock.
"Gladion, I just told her what she wanted to hear, I wasn't even being honest with her....", (Y/N) said.
"Wow. Naughty (Y/N). I don't picture you lying." , I said.
"Trust me. I lied right through my teeth."

Next chapter- (Y/N) will go into LABOR!
Stay tuned!

[Sequel to You're not Lonely] [Gladion X Reader] Where stories live. Discover now