Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV- Monday, Lunch

Hol looked at me and asked, "Girl did you have sex?"
"Why would you ask me that?" , I asked her.
"Because of the hickey on your neck." , Hol replied.
"OMG! Gladion! I can't believe I didn't notice it!" , I groaned in frustration.
I sent Gladion a quick text
Me: Gladion! You're in trouble! 🥰
Gladion ❤️: What did I do?
Me: One word: Hickey
Gladion ❤️: Sorry not sorry babe! 😉
Me: Yeah yeah.

"It's barely noticeable. Unless your up lose to someone." , Hol said.
"OMG!" , I said.
"Nice hickey (y/n). Did you finally have sex?" , said my ex best friend.
"None of your business." , I said, gritting my teeth.
"It actually is my business. I happen to care about others getting hurt. So don't even think about hurting Gladion!"
"I would never hurt Gladion! Why would you think so LOW of me?"
"Because I know how you are (Y/N). Always so stubborn and full of yourself."
"That's not true and you know it! Who helped you out when you thought you were pregnant yourself last year? I did! Now if you excuse me..."
My ex best friend then slapped my face and said, "If you hurt Gladion I swear to..."
I cut her off and said, "Shut the hell up!" then I walked away.

Gladion's POV- Chorus (AKA Studyhall)

I was listening to music when I got rudely interpreted.
"Gladion, would you like to go out with me my love?" , asked (Y/N)'s ex best friend all flirty.
"No thank you! I would never ever go out with you if you were the last person on earth! I already have a girlfriend named (Y/N) and I love her more then anything!" . I snapped.
"You seriously love that bitch?"
"I do! Now get alway from me before I do something I might regret!"
She ran right away.

I texted (Y/N) : Is your day going alright? I hope so.
(Y/N) ❤️: (Automatic response: Cant talk now. Try again later)

Afterschool- 4pm

(Y/N) isn't home yet, I wonder if she's okay.
Me: Are you okay?
(Y/N) ❤️: Yes I'm okay babe. Stop being such worry wort.
Me: I was just worried because you weren't home yet.
(Y/N) ❤️: I'm getting us pizza for dinner. Talk later.

(Y/N)'s POV- After dinner

Gladion must have noticed something was off because he asked, "What's wrong babe?"
"Just the usual." , I replied, not really wanting to talk.
"Did your ex best friend bug you again?"
"Yes how did you know?"
"She tried asking me out on a date but I rejected her like it was nobody's business."
"Good for you. She told me I'm stubborn and full of myself. She was asking about my sex life..."
"OMG! The next time I see her..."
"Don't worry about it Gladion. I don't want to make things worse."
"Okay (Y/N)."
"Oh babe. Always worrying about me."
"I love you that's why I worry about you."
"I love you more Gladion."

[Sequel to You're not Lonely] [Gladion X Reader] Where stories live. Discover now