chapter I

6 2 1

My driver parked at the center of the school, I stepped down of the latest version of highlander.

It was past nine, the school devotion was way over, and i knew very well  that I was late.

Well who cares.

I could see the principle perched at the balcony of her office, her eyes were fixed on me, I ignored her, bringing out my iPhone X, I pressed it as I made my way slowly to class.

The door was already closed, so I knocked first before trying the handle, it opened and all eyes were on me.

I walked to my sit, setting my bag on the desk, and sitting down.

I didn't even bother to put away my phone.

"miss your late would you please put out your phone? ". The teacher asked me.

Of course, I had to pretend she wasn't talking to me.

"Chika, tap Edican and tell her to put away her phone ".

I looked up as she said me name.

Raising a brow at her, this made her squirm.

"if you want to keep your job miss, then I suggest you mind your fucking business ". I spat out, tucking my phone into my bag pack.

She laughed nervously " well class sorry about that, turn to page 15 of your English text book".

I yawned, resting  my head on the desk and dozing off.

Someone tapped me.
I wanted to yell at the person but I decided to hold me tongue.

I raised me head,  "what", I said with so much bitterness and venom,
The teacher.
"well it's time to submit you English essay".

I stared at her, before shuffling around my bag, and bringing out the book.

I pushed it to her and returned to my sleep.

Well, Tho I acted out of place often, I took me studies very serious.

Most students gossiped that  my parents are the ones paying so I could pass, but the teachers all know I was a very smart and intelligent young woman.

At home since I got nothing to do, I'd busy myself with reading my books.

The teachers always gave out scheme of work, this enabled me to read ahead.

When I wasn't sleeping in class, I was the one giving correct answers to all the questions.

My favorite subject was mathematics .

I love calculation.

I'm seventeen, and I was already in my final class in secondary school.

The school I attended, heritage model secondary school, was very expensive, each term we had to pay a million naira.

And the third term, which was always the last before the school would decided if your performance can take you to the next class, the money we paid was almost two million naira.

Our school uniform was a white long sleeve shirt and a black pencil skirt, with a bow tie for girls. That was for the senior secondary.

The juniors wore a white short sleeve.

Both the senior and junior boys wore trousers.

It was almost lunch time when the boring chemistry teacher announced that we'll be having a test in out next class which was on Wednesday.

Half of the class grunted. His test was always hard, him asking irrelevant questions.

I shook my head, bringing up my food box, I placed it on my table.

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