If you left

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I know I will still live
But my world will stay still
Though the time keeps moving on
I will be lost,long gone.
None of the present will make sense
As my thoughts will always be in past tense.
If you are not there to help
Simply, I'll not be myself.

You will be the thought filling my head,
The reason for tears drenching my bed.
I will still smile at our memories,
Then be haunted and drowned by miseries
Of you not being here with me
I'll keep darkness my company
As far as my world I see
With out you, will not be complete.
So don't you dare leaving me
And where you are, I will be.

Everything runs like nothing's changed
And I am not able to see things the same
Killing me is your absence
And the hopeless hopes which doesn't make sense.
So cruel is the world to keep moving on
When I am too stuck to differentiate right and wrong
Should I be angry?or should I go on?
And blame my fate for misfortunes I own?

So many questions and no one to answer
Without you, why do I feel so tortured?
My love for you can never be measured.
If I loose you, then I'll be no less but cursed
Now you understand why I feel so pressured
To think about the thought ' if you left'

- Nandhika Vardhini


I think this is the best I have ever written. I just poured my heart out. Special people bring out the best of us. Dedicate it to someone who you never wanna loose.

I wrote it for my best friend. She has been there in my hard times. She gives the best advices. She takes care of me like her own child. She stands up for me. She never leaves my side. I just wanted to thank her for being a part in my life.

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