chapter 9- Morning, sunshine

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!!tiny NSFW!!

Never have I ever felt so loved. So safe. So secure. But Eddy made it all happen. I fell asleep as soon as he lay me on his lap, brushing my hair with his long, sleek fingers. That's what I woke up to. Laying in Eddy's lap, staring at his angelic sleeping face. Recalling what had happened the previous night, I quietly tip toed into my room and grabbed a white shirt and a pair of pants. After changing into it, I decided that a hug would be a good way to thank him for the support he gave me last night. As friends, of course. Nothing more than that.

What I hadn't expected was Eddy's weight. I mean, sure, he looked tall and sturdy, definitely gained some muscles from the gym if he went there. But as soon as I scooped Eddy into a sitting position and hugged him, I regretted it. His eyes fluttered open, utterly confused. He was leaning towards my side just a little...just a little too much and his weight gained on mine, pressing me onto the sofa, his chest pressing hard onto mine. In other words, he was on top of me, on my damn sofa. Awkwardness kicked in. I felt each rise and fall of his chest, each slow, deep breath from his nose, his incredulous look as he stared directly into my eye. And most unnoticeable - the feeling of a rising bulge hardening against my thighs. Blood rushed to my face, it reddened faster than I could ever imagine, and Eddy immediately pushed himself away.

If I were to rate my morning according to weirdness, it would have definitely been a 11/10. First, I get attacked by an adorable sleepy Brett wearing a plain white shirt that was slightly worn out; semi transparent - which also meant it showed somewhat his bare chest. Then I end up falling onto him, our lips centimetres apart. If only I could close that gap. I eyed him. Fluffy hair. It would have looked better with my hands tangled in it. Slightly parted rosy lips. It would have looked better with mine on it.

That was lust and wistful thinking.

As my eyes fixed on his beautiful sleepy appearance, a herd of blood galloped to my groin. My pants tightened around me. Crap. Anytime but now. Please, gods, no. No, shit shit shit and shit. Brett must have felt it too. His cheeks which were perfectly normal a second ago now resembled overcooked tomatoes. Embarrassed by the natural reaction, I immediately pulled away.

Apologies spewed out before I knew what I was saying. I didn't want Brett to feel pressurised, not after what had happened last night.
'I'm sorry oh gods I swear its not what you think, I-'
'Can I ask you a question?'
'Yeah, of course, but it's really not what you thi-'
'Am I what? I...don't know, but I've been feeling stuff recently...'
'Care to elaborate?'
'Well...there's this dude I met around a week ago..? And he made me feel really special, I've never felt so right around anyone my whole life. He's- Bah. Why are you even asking me this? Its not important...'

More like cause you're too much of a coward to just admit that Brett's the one.

'Because I'm gay.' Brett concluded, looking straight into my eye.

A war could have been going on and the only thing I'd focus on would be Brett. Why was he telling me this? Does that mean he likes me? Why must things be so awkward? What the hell was I supposed to reply to that? These thoughts chased themselves angrily around my head.

'Oh...that's cool, I guess. Look, about this...' I looked down at my pe- nevermind, you get where I looked down at. 'its really not what you think. I'm sorry. I'll go home and settle it real quick, okay? Can I come visit you at around 5pm? I'll bring takeaway as dinner'

Brett looked dismayed. 'You're leaving..?'
'Yea...I've got to change and practise a little, you know,'

not to mention I hadn't taken a shower in 2 days. I probably stunk.

'Okay then...see you at 5?' Brett sounded unsure. I nodded crab-walked my way to the car. As I left Brett's house, I could almost swear I heard him whisper 'I could have helped you settle your thing real quick too...' followed by a choked back sob.

Again, that was just lust and wistful thinking. Probably.

yes another authors note hehe
sorry this update took so long but thanks for the support received on this story, 831 reads so far - I can't even believe 100+ of yall waste ur time reading my crap 🥵
so here's a reminder: close ur eyes and rest ur eyes for a while cause I know you've been using ur phone WAYYY too much today :")

stay safe out there!!
till then,
thesacrilegiousboi 💖

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