Chapter 1

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John's POV
It was the night of Christmas Eve, I lie there quietly on my bed. The thought of not believing Santa kept me up. All of a sudden, I hear bells ringing. I got up and walk towards the window. I tried to be quiet and not wake up Aunt Mimi. I wiped the fog out from the window and looked at the snow from outside the ground. No footsteps print. No sign of Santa. I sighed and and quietly made my way out of my room. I went through the hallway and slowly took each step of the stairs. I stopped in the middle of stairs and looked at the Christmas tree. No presents to be found, the stockings aren't filled, the cookies and milk are still in place. Of course! Santa isn't real. Am I really that stupid? Suddenly, I hear the bells ringing again. I saw a shadow from the wooden floors. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I closed it quickly. I grabbed a flashlight from the dresser and turned it on. I started looking at my old picture of me meeting "Santa". Ha! The last time I checked, Santa doesn't wear Buddy Holly glasses. I moved the picture behind the magazine of a boy holding a Santa beard and hat. He looked shocked. I started wondering where the North Pole's located. I put the picture and magazine back in my drawer and grabbed a textbook from my shelf. I flipped though the pages until the big font that says "The North Pole" caught my eye. It was pretty far away from where I live. Across the ocean to be exact. Again, I hear the bells. I quickly put the textbook back to the shelf, jumped on my bed, pull the covers on and closed my eyes, pretending I was sleeping all along. I moved to my side, just to get a better position. I hear the door open and heard Aunt Mimi whispering to herself.
Aunt Mimi: "I guess he's sleeping now. I guess he's now realizing this is the end of the magic" I open my eyes real wide and closed them quickly. She kisses my cheek and exits my room. She closes the door and I turned back to the normal sleeping position and started fidgeting my fingers.
John: "the end of the magic?" I thought I myself. I slowly close my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. Suddenly. I hear my guitar slid down harshly on the ground. I was concerned, sat up and looked at it. Other decorations in my room started rumbling. The whole room started rumbling! Was this an earthquake? Lights start appearing. Moving fast, a train horn honks loudly. I got out of my bed and put on my tan slippers quickly. I pull my blue robe quickly, accidentally ripping the pocket. I tried again but this time pulling the rope upwards. As I got out, I ran and slid across the snow. I couldn't see the train very well since the smoke from the engine was in the way. The train was huge and long! There the name of the train. The Polar Express..........

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