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Zoey was talking to Rocky as Colt came in, "Guys, guys check this out. This is the guy from yesterday." He mentioned as Rocky and Zoey stood up now with him standing next to the two showing.

"He's the one dads after." He said pointing at the pic looking at them.

"Grandpas friends with a criminal?" Rocky asked taking pic.

"No way." Tum Tum said eyes wide.

"Yes way,  it says so on the back." Colt said.

Colt taking it and turning it around showing, Rocky as he took it reading it.

"Evil Snyder...who... business associate. That's Grandpa." Rocky said.

"Do you think Grandpa is a Crip to?" Colt asked taking pic.

"No way." Zoey refused to believe.

"But it says he's friends with that guy! And we saw him joking around with grandpa yesterday." Colt said making Zoey run a hand through her hair.

Rocky sat down, "We gotta tell dad." Rocky said.

"We can't tell dad, if he knows that their still friends he will never let us see Grandpa again." Colt said after sitting down.

"Maybe Grandpas a bad guy." Tum said sadly.

Zoey went over to Tum pulling him close to her as he leaned his head on her shoulder making Rocky and Colt look at her.

"He's not." Colt said.

"Is he?"

Rocky shook his head replying to Colt.

Colt, Rocky and Zoey were doing their homework with Zoey in between them.

"Hey Rocky, Rocky you there? Hello? Rocky you there?" They heard Emily say making Zoey roll her eyes.

Zoey heard a thud she looked seeing Tum had jumped off the bed.

"HELLOooooooo" Tum said his hello echoing as he spoke through the tin can.

"It's Emily she wants to talk to Rocky." Tum said in a mimicking voice.

"Rocky loves Emily." Colt sang.

Zoey noticed Rocky eyes were on her as he sighed "Tell her I'm busy." Rocky said angry slightly.

"He said he's busy but he loves you." Tum said as for Rocky to look at Zoey and get up angry moving his chair back.

Rocky went over to Tum, "He loves you babeeee" Tum sang.

Rocky hit Tum on the head slightly as he fell on the bed, Rocky held the tin can up right.

"Look I can't talk right now, I got a tun of homework." Rocky mentioned.

Tum made kissing faces and noises as Rocky  put his foot on him, "Ya know, my parents are gonna kill me if I don't finish."

"What's going on over there?" Emily asked.

Zoey rolled her eyes again, and continued her work as for Colt to see how stress she was.

Colt pulled her chair closer to his she looked smiling slightly, as they hear the door bell.

Zoey heard yelling and went out the door and so did Colt following, they watched the babysitter as she had pizza in her face with three guys that had guns.

The guys shoved her in the closet, "Haha" one laughed.

"Uncool bro." The second one said opening the door and getting a piece of pizza.

"Dude sensitive." The first one said as the guy with the pizza had closed the door.

"Hah much better." The second one said.

"K first we feast then we felony." The first one said.

Colt and her eyes went wide as they looked at eachother.

He grabbed the girls hand as they ran quietly back to the room.

He opened the door pulling her in with him and closed it quietly behind him, "Guys, we've got some good news and some bad news." He said.

They looked at the two worried kids playing video games on Colts bed.

"The good news is the delivery guy just creamed the babysitter with some pizza." Colt said.

"Awesome!!!" Rocky and Tum said having fists up.

"The bad news is." the girl started said making Rocky at her.

"They're carrying guns." Zoey said finally making them both stare at her scared wide eyed.

Rocky looked like he was gonna panic "Okay okay." He said getting down.

"Don't panic." He said "Yeah like you're doing right now." Zoey mentioned.

"We'll call the police." Rocky said.

"Duh there's no phone in here." Tum said.

"Um Emily! We'll call Emily she'll call the police!" Rocky said.

"Hold it!" Colt said.

Zoey got the same idea "Rocky, this could be our chance." Zoey said walking over to him with Colt.

"If we can defeat these delivery guys ourselves." Colt finished.

"Then maybe our dads will think that our Ninja trainings are worth it yes!" Rocky finished.

"Should we do it?" Colt said looking at them.

"Let's murderlize them." Tum said.

Tum opened his drawer, Zoey opened hers on top of his then Colt opened his on top then it was Rocky on top of everyone else's.

They all got their uniforms and masks.

They finally put their stuff on.

"Aiya!" They all yelled doing a air punch.

"Where are all the weapons the sling shots the knife throwers?" Colt asked.

"Dad happened. He doesn't want us messing with them." Tum said as Colt looked through a box for toys and what not.

"Oh, Great so what are we gonna use against those guys with guns." He said facing the three.

The four heard the alarm as they all looked up. Zoey immediately got into position but they decided to hide, Zoey had hid under Rockys bed, surprisingly able to fit.

They heard the door open.

"Woah cool room. Little dudes the pizzas here." The first guy said.

Zoey noticed the guy was on Tums bed right where Rocky was. Making Zoey bite her lower lip as Rocky and her made eye contact she could see him a bit under his bed.

"Where are those little boogers. If I was a little booger where would I be?" The first guy asked.

"Mom and Dads room." The first guy said thinking and getting up going to the door.

"Come on you guys last one out closes the door." The first guy running out, making the other guys follow  then the door closed.

Zoey see Colt get out of the box.

Rocky had fallen off the bed.

Zoey then rolled out under neath Rockys bed standing up. The three went over to Tum helping him out.

"Okay, Colt and Zoey you've got the room at the end that moms redoing." Rocky said.

"Check." Colt replied.

"Tum Tum you got the kitchen." Rocky said.

"Check." He replied.

"Now guys prepare for phase one." Rocky said smirking.

They opened the door, and peaked out seeing their shadows and hearing their voices down the hall.

"Come on, Tum Tum go." Rocky ordered as Tum went to the steps.

Colt and Zoey went over to the room that the boys mom was re doing.

3 Ninja Adventures (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now