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She looked over at Colt as Rocky and her were messing around at recess; "So- the kiss how was it?" Rocky asked as Colt and her were looking at each other a lot from across the playground.

"Huh?" She asked looking at him.

"Never mind." He said.

The kids started running and yelling; "FIGHT"

"What's the matter you death?" The kid said.
"Do you wanna play or not?"

"Yeah- we'll play you." Rocky said as both him and Zelda, showed up.
"Three on three" he said.

"For how much?" Josh said.

"How much? We're not supposed to gamble." Rocky said.

They laughed, "What am I hearing?" Tyrone said.

"We're not supposed to gamble, well I wouldn't want to do anything to make your mommy and daddy spank you." Tyrone said.

The kids laughed, Colt looked back then at him "What do you want to bet?" Colt asked.

"Colt!" Both Rocky and Zelda, spoke annoyed.

"Colt? what a name." Josh commented.

"Yeah- little horsey, how about some hay?" Tyrone said.
"Laugh." Tyrone said looking at Josh making the kids laugh.

Colt went to get in fighting position; as for Zelda, to stand in front of him making Rocky stop him.

"Colt don't!" Rocky ordered.

Colt got next to Zelda, making her sigh in response, "Well, punks, I've seem to collecting quit a few bikes today. How about we play for yours?" Tyrone questioned.

"When we win, what do we get?" Zelda asked.

"Well if you win me and my buddies will let you walk out of here; without busting up your faces and stealing your girl." Tyrone said getting closer to Zelda.

Making some kids say, "ooooo" Colt shoved her back behind him; as he walked in front of her.

"She's off limits" Colt said sternly.
"Fine" Tyrone rolled his eyes.

Rocky stopped him, "How many points to the game." Rocky said.

"Ten duh." Tyrone said.

"Fine." she said from behind now standing next to them. "Let's watch you nine, you'll take first out." Rocky said. (He said something like that I might be wrong-)

Rocky pulled both Colt and the girl back, "Take" they heard Tyrone and Josh say.

"Nine in point lead." Another kid say.

"Now Colt and Zelda, no matter what no fighting." Rocky said.

Colt and his girlfriend made eye contact, "Oh, come on." Colt said.

"No fighting." Rocky said.

"Man with the nine point lead, they're dead." A kid said.

Colt took his jacket off, "Let's whip there buts." He said walking away.

Zelda put her hair up in a ponytail, she saw a third guy coming up next to Tyrone and Josh; which she guess is the guy she's playing against.

She looked over at Rocky; as he took his hat off handing it to Emily, "Will you hold my hat?"

"Why are you showing off?" She asks.

"I'm not showing off, I'm playing basketball." He said and ran over to the others.

Josh passed; Tyrone the ball.

Colt was in front of him, as Zelda- was in front of the other guy (gonna name him Chase).

3 Ninja Adventures (Part 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ