three • mystery 'ale'

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•• King's Perspective ••
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It was another busy day for the sins in the Boar Hat as the girls-- And by 'girls' I mean Elizabeth, had to serve many tables of perverted old men.  It disgusted me. Making it worse was the fact that Meliodas gave her such revealing clothing, making her more of a target!
Diane is asleep right now. I'm glad she was able to sleep peacefully.

•• Third Person ••
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The brunette slouched onto the ground. " I'm sorry I didn't wake earlier, Elizabeth. ", She said as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.  Elizabeth only smiled at the giantess.  Elizabeth and the sins were headed to Hibachi Town. " I'm so tired ~ ", Diane whined as she held onto the blonde shortie in front of her. " But Diane, you've been asleep for half the day. ", Meliodas argued. Diane let go of him to slap him in the head, " No, dummy! I mean the work was stressful! ", She said.    Meliodas shrugged -- Diane had to serve thrice as much drunks as Elizabeth had to, plus she had to fight most of them.  There's no way she couldn't be tired!

" Sir Meliodas, may I ask why we're going to Hibachi Town at a time like this? ", The teal-haired female turned to look at the blonde. He smiled brightly as he raised an index finger, " Well, Lizzie ~ There's a festival going on. It celebrates myths. You seem really obsessed with that myths book you have, so I thought I'd take you here! Plus, we need a break, do we not? ", Meliodas explained -- sounding unusually smart for a while.  Elizabeth pulled him into a hug,           " Thank you, Sir Meliodas! Lady Diane, maybe we'll learn more things here! ", Elizabeth looked at her violet-eyed female friend with a wide smile.  " Oh.. Yay~ ", Diane faked a smile then looked away.

' Meliodas never does anything like that for me.. ', Diane thought.

The sins finally arrived as Elizabeth and Diane ran over to a specific area -- It was a bookshelf full of books about each myth. " So, Lady Diane, there are three books for each myth. Can you help me find all three for-- ", Before the princess could finish Diane handed her all three books.  " Thank you, Lady Diane! Now, where will we sit? "
The princess scanned the area. " Maybe we could sit over there. ", Diane pointed in the direction of a forest. A bench was there. The girls ran towards it and took a seat.

Elizabeth handed one of the books to Diane, " I want you to read them, Lady Diane. ", Elizabeth said sweetly. Diane smiled at her then began to read the book.  Elizabeth glanced at Meliodas and Ban, who were teasing King for some odd reason.

" I told you, I can handle the ale, I just don't want any! ", King whined.  Ban rolled his eyes, " Yeah, sure ", He sid has he hit him in the head with a mug, " Now, which one should we take? ", Ban asked. " Ah, this --  Hibachi Ale. ", Ban picked up a bottle of the famous booze.   " Hah, and you're calling me a coward. That can't even make a fly drunk.  Try that! Mystery Ale is the strongest ale. ", King pointed at a bottle with no label.  " I dunno, King, looks suspicious. ", Meliodas said as he eyed the mysterious bottle.  " But -- If it's that strong, then it makes for a great drinking contest. "
Meliodas gave Ban a competitive glare.


" Oh, I understand.. ", Said Diane, " This is done as a form of manipulation or something. It's not that bad now, but it will get worse. ".       Diane gasped as she gave Elizabeth a look filled with slight fear, " But she wouldn't know this.. If she hadn't been stalking me!! ", The girl exclaimed. It was loud enough to catch King's attention a well as random passersby. King flew over to her.  " Are you alright, Diane? ", The fairy king asked as a slight pink dusted his cheeks. Diane shook her head, " Comfort me! ".     His blush grew as he went to hug her.

" I think that girl is after me. . ", She said.  A loud crash was heard, making all three of them look up to see Meliodas and Ban unconscious. " Sir Meliodas! ", Elizabeth exclaimed as she ran towards him.  Diane went to investigate, then noticed the ale bottle that was smashed and there was no label or anything," Alright! Who's idea was it to give them unlabeled ale? ", She asked angrily .  King visibly gulped, " It was my idea. ".       Diane looked at him with disappointment in her eyes.
" Tch Tch Tch~ "

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Elizabeth carried Meliodas back to the tavern while Diane dragged Ban by his leg as the sins followed behind.

The girls laid them down on the ground then Merlin looked at their pale bodies, " What happened to them? ", Merlin asked.
" King made them drink an ale bottle that had no label or anything. Then this.. ", Diane explained. Merlin hummed, " That wasn't a wise decision. Are you sure that was ale? " Merlin stooped to examine the boys, " It may have been a poison. But, don't you worry, I may be able to make something before it is too late. " Diane and Elizabeth nodded as they walked off. " And King.. Don't do this again. ", Merlin looked at the embarrassed fairy who nodded.  As Elizabeth sat outside as she whispered a prayer and then returned inside. Just as she did, a large light in the sky appeared, forming a crescent moon. Then it quickly faded.


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