two • myth

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Third Person's Perspective
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Chapter 2
" Lost Purpose? "

Diane flopped onto the soft grass now that she was in her human form. " Ugh, I can never get to sleep. ", She said. King sat beside her with a concerned expression, " Why? ", He asked. Diane looked at him then at the sky.  " Well, every time I try I always have nightmares. Then when I wake up I have sleep paralysis. ". Diane pouted as she sat up.  King nodded as he looked at his upset crush.

" That sounds oddly familiar.. ", Said the princess. She watched the two from a tree house close by. Her teal, silky hair reached her hips. She had a beautiful indigo eye as the other was covered by her bangs. She walked over to the bookshelf and chose a large book titled ' Myths '. She turned to a specific page; Page 356 - The Lost Purpose.

" Lost Purpose ...  Known to be the cause of our nightmares, the cause of our sleep insomnia and such. 

Her victims either have pleasant dreams or terrible nightmares. Now, let's focus on the nightmares.  Those who experience the nightmares will have less hours of sleep in fear of what she will do to them. They have nightmares and wake up with sleep paralysis or agonizing pain throughout their body. ", Elizabeth read. She gasped in realisation.  " It can't be possible.. Lady Diane... Is one of her victims? ", The princess thought aloud, " How must I explain this to her? ".      Elizabeth held the book tight and then climbed down the ladder of the tree house.  Once she got down, she looked at the duo sitting and conversing.

" Um, excuse me, Lady Diane, Sir King. ", Elizabeth looked at the giantess as worry and fear laced her voice, " I overheard you explaining your problems with sleeping, Lady Diane. ". Diane turned to face the princess and said, " Oh, yeah-- What about it? "
Elizabeth sighed,  " I remember seeing it somewhere in this book, and I wasn't wrong. Please.. Read it. ".    Diane felt confused so she went to read the book.  King read it with her.
After some time, both of them looked at Elizabeth. " No.. This can't be real, right? ", Diane asked nervously, " I-It's just a myth! "  She began panicking as King tried his best to calm her. Elizabeth felt guilt as she took the book, " It feels too real to be fake, Diane.. ", King said as he looked up at the sky.  It was now night. The princess sighed again then smiled at the two, " It's getting late. We should return, Meliodas may be worried. ".  They then returned to the Boar Hat.


Elizabeth, Diane and King finally reached the tavern. As they stepped in, they noticed that nobody was inside. " Where did they go? ", Elizabeth asked as she scanned the tavern. She focused on a piece of paper taped on the counter. Elizabeth then read it, " Dear Elizabeth, Diane, King and whoever else had left the Boar Hat and are just returning,

                   We're going to the town nearby.  Don't do anything stupid and leave Elizabeth's tits-- They're mine.

- Meliodas "

Elizabeth blushed at the last sentence as she looked at Diane. Diane looked peeved as King once again tried comforting her. " Lady Diane, please don't be upset!  Anyways, maybe we can discuss your nightmares. ", Elizabeth said sweetly. Diane's frown turned to a smile, " Okay. "

The trio returned outside as Elizabeth laid down a blanket for them to lay or sit on.  " What were your nightmares about? ", Elizabeth asked as she sat with the two.  Diane's expression went from happy, to sad, to worried. " W-Well, King was there.  And there was this white-haired girl, she had red horns.  I walked towards King then he just died and faded away.. And the white haired girl turned to me-- Her entire face was black and looked like it was dripping and then.. Some tentacle-like things would stab me, then I'd wake up. ", Diane explained, " It's the dame thing every time.. "

Elizabeth went back to reading the book, " T-The nightmares... They don't normally repeat like that!   If they do, then something really bad may happen.  Those who experience that.. Meet an untimely end. ".     Elizabeth then frowned.  " White-haired... Red horns.. ", King thought aloud.    " Do you recognize her or something? ".  Diane looked at the blushing fairy as he shook his head. " Don't think so! "

Elizabeth snickered at the two.  " Hey, Elizabeth! ", Said a familiar voice. The three faced the captain -- Meliodas.  " And King, and Diane. ", Meliodas said to the other two, " Why are you outside? " Elizabeth looked at the book she held as she smiled sweetly, " I was just helping Diane! ", She said. 

Once they got inside, Diane went to an empty room to try and get some rest. She flopped onto the soft, white bed as darkness began to consume her.

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