Chapter 1: To War

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“Combat Teams Alpha through Sierra, report to hangar bays 52 and 53 immediately.” A young sergeant groaned and picked up a DMR off the floor.

“Looks like we’re goin’ in,” he muttered.

“Do not be so sour Troy,” a nearby Sangheili chided him. “Two weeks ago you were begging for action. All of Fireteam Cobalt was.” Troy scratched his head as he attached the rifle to the magnetic clip on the back of his ODST armour.

“Yeah, but not Xenomorphs. These guys are tough shit to deal with,” Troy reminded her. She grinned at him.

“Well, I am going down there. If you do not want to come, you would be neglecting your duty as my mate.”

“Not to mention my duty as an ODST. Besides, I never said I wasn’t going down. I’m just saying this is going to give the motto ‘Feet first into hell’ some real meaning.” An American guy with bright blonde hair and inquisitive hazel eyes smirked as he grabbed a Battle Rifle from the rack across from them. “Oi, Austin,” Troy barked. The American turned to him. “I’ve already got a DMR. Choose something different, we’ve got enough riflemen.” Austin grumbled, put the Battle Rifle back and pulled out an Assault Rifle.

“Sure thing Sarge,” he sighed, clicking a SOCOM into his hip holster.

“Oh yeah, and where are Linda Nasu and Flint? They should be here!”

“Don’t worry Sarge, I wouldn’t miss out on this party,” said a gruff voice. Troy grinned at the middle aged man. He wasn’t that old, but he had grey hair and a bushy moustache, and still limped slightly from an old leg injury. He grabbed a Spartan Laser and an ODST SMG. Ah, the Spartan Laser... that brought back memories. A Sangheili clad in blue Spec Ops armour nodded his greetings as he passed them by, already holding a Carbine he had gotten from a different armoury. Linda was close behind him, grabbing an ODST SMG and SOCOM off the wall.

“Did you remind Nasu to take his Energy Sword this time?” Troy asked the Mexican woman. She had black hair that was so long it was borderline against regulation and tanned skin that almost matched her light brown eyes. She frowned and rushed off the find the blue armoured Sangheili, who had advanced to Hangar 52. Troy was surprised to see Rob, a British ODST walk in. “Rob? I thought you had been transferred?”

“Yeah. Just back yesterday. They let me back in the squad!” he laughed. They shook hands, promising to catch up later.

“Uh Rob! You forgot something!” Rob turned back, slightly confused. Troy held out a Shotgun to him.

“Oh!” Rob exclaimed, snatching the weapon out of his hands. Thoughts of what would have happened had he gone in with no weapon but his SOCOM clouded his mind as he headed into the hangar with the rest. Finally alone with his Sangheili again, Troy raised an eyebrow at her.

“So Calsu, what’ll it be this time?” he asked. The Sangheili pondered this, making Troy gaze at her purple armour boredly. She was only a Sangheili Minor, but that was because girls weren’t allowed to join the military usually, let alone advance through the ranks.

“Sniper?” she suggested. Troy trotted past rows of weapons, until he finally found the right one. He handed her a Sniper Rifle from the rack. He moved off to follow his team, but he felt Calsu’s arm grab him gently. “Are you not forgetting something?” she inquired. Troy smiled and turned around before giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek. She took his hand in hers and together, they entered the hangar.

“Alright Fireteams!” Troy shouted, gaining the nine Fireteams’ attention, making sure Calsu had let go and moved to her place among Fireteam Cobalt before he did so. He had gotten a confidence boost since he had been promoted, but was still shy to show his feelings for the Sangheili around others. “It would seem as though, once again, Operation Xenomorphs Falling needs the help of the UNSC and our allies; the Sangheili.” Nods of approval. “We will soon reach the centre of this Forerunner Shield World, and I’m sure those of you who haven’t seen one before have read the Spirit of Fire’s reports on their encounter. We will be dropping in together today in the hopes of invading any structures in our immediate vicinity and destroying the hives that reside inside. We will have to be strategical as; once again, the Corps have taken advantage of our resourcefulness and given us a very limited supply of explosives.” There were a few chuckles at his joke about the Corps. “If you haven’t read the files, then you really shoulda, because the more you know about these things, the bigger advantage you have. Now, there is one thing I’ve noticed that has occurred recently; the Xenos are smart. I don’t know why no one noticed before, but they had the wits to make their home base on one of the few planets we can’t blow the shit out of them on. If that’s not smart, then I dunno what is. Any questions?” no one spoke up. “Good! Fireteams; move out!” Around fifty-four individuals rushed about, either finding a pod or mounting up in a Pelican, which had vehicles attached. “Dropping in five...” The mechanical arms grabbed the pods and pushed them out into space. “Four...” There was a subtle beep. “Three...” Another beep. “Two...” The final low key sound. “Drop!” The mechanical arms released them just as the final, high-pitched beep sounded, leaving the small capsules to hurtle into the atmosphere. They would be on the surface way before the Pelicans.

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