Chapter 2

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"What?!" I yelled. "How can you be..... What?!" 

"Hi." Frankie said. He.... Spoke. 

"AH! You're talking!" 

"Uh huh." He said with a nod. "The fairy lady did it, she can do that, apparently. Happy birthday, Gee Gee." 

"You're..... Alive?!" I asked with shock. I couldn't believe it, Frankie was alive, I made a wish upon a star, and it actually came true. "Thanks, Frankie, you're the second person to say that today." 

"Who was the other?" He asked, his voice was sweet and little. 

"Uncle Brendan." I replied, looking over at the clock. 


I yawned and stretched my arms out. "I have to go to school tomorrow, Frankie, so I have to go to sleep soon." He started laughing. "What's so funny?"  

He kept laughing. "Nice boxers."  

I looked down at myself and realized that I was indeed in my boxers and a tank top, and I wasn't covered my my blanket. I pulled the blanket over me as I widened my eyes. Frankie kept laughing, he laugh was so cute, it was this little giggle that would be high pitched, and then lower. And by lower, I mean Randy from A Christmas Story, lower giggle. But not exactly the same, of course. 

"I like your laugh." I said with a little giggle. He finally caught his breath. 

"Thanks." He said. 

I rubbed my eye and Frankie yawned. "I'm sleepy." I muttered. 

"Me too." Frankie replied. "Goodnight." 

I plopped down on my pillow and pulled Frankie close to me. "Goodnight, Frankie." I said. "You're the best birthday present ever."  


I tossed on my school uniform, trying to be as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake Frankie. I knew I had to wake him, but not yet. I ruffled up my hair and scurried off to the bathroom, to get pee and brush my teeth. Once I was done in there, I tip toed back into my room. 

Frank was sitting up, yawning and rubbing his eye when I came back. "Good morning, Frankie." I said, sitting next to him. 

"Morning." He mumbled. 

"I have to go to school, so you have to stay in here." I explained. "I'll put Mikey outside my room so I can keep the door closed. But please, Frankie, you have to have to have to stay in this room, and be quiet. I don't know what uncle would do if he found you, okay?" 

Frankie nodded in a greement. "Got it. Bye, Gee." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. I fell his little arms around me and the side of his head pressed against my chest, he had a little smile on his face. I returned the hug, it felt good to have someone give me a hug. 

"Bye, Frankie." I said. "I'll see you later." I picked Mikey up and he followed me. 

I headed towards the door, and turned around to wave before I shut it. He waved and smile as I closed the door, being able to see him less and less, until the door was shut. I cound't wait until after school. 

I looked at the clock and my eyes widened. The buss would be here soon so I ran out the door, and even skipped breakfast. I saw the bus going down the street, passed my house. 

"Oh no!" I shouted, waving my hands as I ran after it. "Come back! Wait! You forgot someone!" I slowed down, knowing that I wasn't going to be able to keep up with it. "I guess I'm just easy to forget." 

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