Chapter 1

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I ran up the steps to my front door, eager to get inside where it was warm. I placed my hand on the door knob and pushed the door open, stepping in, the temperature eminently changed from freezing to nice and warm. 

"Uh, I'm home." I said, hearing shuffling in the kitchen. I hung my coat up and wiped my nose, which was red and runny from me being outside, it was really cold. I brushed some of my black hair out of my left eye, with my right hand. "Hello? Uncle Brendan?"  

I heard rustling in the workshop area and sighed. Uncle Brendan is always working on something in his workshop, he never pays attention to me. He's not my actual uncle, we're actually not even related. He just took me in. He gives me food and a roof over my head, so I can't complain too much. 

I pattered up the wooden stairs and rounded the corner into the hallway. I walked up another staircase and came to my bedroom door, my favorite place in the house. I opened the door, went inside, and shut it behind me. My bedroom was technically the attic, but I liked it. It wasn't an old dusty one, because I kept it fairly clean. 

The walls and floor were the same light oak color. The ceiling was lower in in the corners and there was one window. There was a desk, a little table, a trunk, a nightstand and bed, of course, various boxes, and lots of art things. I loved to draw, it got messy sometimes, with paint and paper, clothes too, but it wasn't super bad. 

I felt something rub against my ankle. I looked down and a smile spread across my face. "Hey, Mikey." I said, bending down to pet my kitty. He purred as I pet him. I looked over to my left, on a little table, was a glass bowl with my goldfish inside. "Hi, Ray." I said. 

I stood up, pulling up my white sock that went a few inches below my knee, and dusted off my black shorts. It was my school uniform. They gave me the option to wear dress pants and a dress shirt with a tie, or long socks, shorts, and a tee shirt. I went to a catholic school, but for some reason, the people there were still mean to me. You would think that it would be a bit different, but it's really not that much different, in terms of bullies and all. 

I sat at my desk and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. There were papers taped to my wall around my desk, and comic books stacked there as well. I pushed them out of the way, and started drawing. 

I looked over, sitting on a box, was one of my favorite things. Uncle Brendan gave me a puppet a couple years ago, and I named it Frank, or Frankie, either was is fine. It had black hair and really pretty hazel eyes. When uncle gave him to me, he was wearing some weird puppet clothes, but I took those off of him and put some others on instead. He was almost as tall as me. 

I gave him little jeans that were ripped at the knee, and a shirt that had Micky Mouse on it. He had this cute little smile on his lips. 

I drew for a long time, then ate some food, and kept drawing, and reading some comic books. I've read them all a bunch of times, but they're still fun to read. 

I looked up at the clock, and decided that it was time for bed. I stretched and yawned as I rummaged through my dresser for my nightclothes. I threw my blue and white striped ones on, and went across the hallway to the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth. Once they were nice and clean, I went back to my room shutting the door behind me, right after yelling 'goodnight, Uncle Brendan.' 

I turned off the light, Mikey climbed up onto desk and curled up in a ball to sleep. I grabbed Frank and climbed into bed. The light of the moon lit up my room with a blue-white glow. I held Frankie in my arms. 

"Goodnight, Frankie." I yawned. "My eighth birthday is tomorrow." 


I heard a slam downstairs and my eyes quickly opened. It was a school day so I had to get up now, too. I sat up and stretched. "Good morning, Frankie!" I said with a smile. "It's my birthday!" 

I Want To Be A Real Boy (Frerard)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora