Chapter one: Escape

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The gravel cut and bruised the soles of my feet as I ran. Rain fell heavily, as if trying to hinder me. I started to regret wearing my short white dress. The now transparent fabric clung to me, making me feel exposed. At least my dress malfunction gave me reason to run faster. The town square was now in sight. Yes! Though happy I was almost out of this poor excuse for a town, the crowds of people were sure to be an obstacle. I bravely glanced back, the three guards chasing me were no more than four metres behind. I ran faster. One of the guards held the back of my dress. I willed myself to go faster, even though my legs felt like they would give out any second now. I managed to free myself of the guard's grip.  Finally, I was in the town square. 

I weaved my way through the crowd. Parting the array while moving as quickly as I could. The ground was slippery as a result of of the rain, because of that I had to take care not to slip. The thud of boots could be heard not far behind. I tried to move quicker, but the shoppers were making this very difficult. Wait...I could...Maybe...It might just work! I gathered all the magic power I could feel flowing inside me, it wasn't much at all, oh well. I raised my hands, pointing them to the sky. "Aquarius! Lend me your power." I shouted. Suddenly, power rushed into me, but it wouldn't last...I knew that from experience. I had to make the best of it while I could. Oh rain, first hindering me, now you'll be helping me.

I turned abruptly, my hands outstretched, the rain followed my hands in multiple large droplets. I jerked my hands forward and the water went quickly flying towards my pursuers. The water then became solid, freezing the soldiers who were by now not more than two metres away. Gasps and whispers came from the shoppers who by now were all staring at me.

"Its her! The blacksmith's daughter! Mya Piper!" One of them shouted. Miss Gloria, ugly old woman. That mouth of her never seemed to close. She stared at me with narrowed eyes, clutching the sides of her long green skirt.

So...I have been identified, huh? I stood not moving, wondering what to do... Well, there was only one option anyways.

I turned and ran as fast as I could, my shoulder length brown hair flowing behind me.The villagers had taken up the guards' job of chasing me. I guess the village didn't want to lose their last magician. . . or maybe they wanted to get back at me for harming some of the few capable men left there. Oh well, they better try and market the apple sauce. I laughed softly as I ran out the gates, into the forest.

It seemed I had lost them though I still ran, not wanting to risk it. My feet ached, but I had to make it to at least the train station. I stopped and sat, leaning against a tree. It wouldn't hurt to stop for a while and celebrate my victory with rest. I couldn't help but smile, even though it was hard to breathe right now. "I made it..." I whispered to myself. "Mya Piper, soon to be Magician, going to live in the town of Disa" I looked up at the sky, the sun seemed to be shining even brighter than usual. I laughed for a while, coughed, then stood. My journey wasn't over just yet. 

I trudged along, using my hands to move tree branches out of my way. A soft crunching sound was heard everytime I stepped on one of the colourful leaves which were scattered along the ground. I stopped, giggled, then continued walking. The forest seemed slightly eerie, birds cawed and I was sure I heard a low growling sound. Crunch. What was that? I didn't step on another leaf...I started sprinting, scared out of my mind. My knees hurt from all the running I had been doing earlier. After a while, I slowed to a stop, panting. I didn't hear anymore frightening noises, it was most likely safe...for now at least.

I fell unto the ground, still breathing heavily. My feet hurt to the point where I could hardly feel them anymore. Being a magician had its perks, this was one of those times. Since I was exhausted, my magic wouldn't be all that good, but I could manage at least one spell. I placed both hands on my aching feet, a glowing blue magic circle formed beneath me. "Spirit of Yang, relieve the burden of pain. Leppil Seia." I whispered, the pain easing up just enough for me to feel comfortable.

I forced myself to stand. I looked back, to make sure the villagers weren't still following me. I then turned around, sighed, and started walking. The terrain that now lay before me was similar to a desert, though a few trees could be seen not far from here. I stopped and sat down, my feet hurt badly, it felt like I had walked for a year without stopping. I sighed as a few tears escaped my eyes. All I wanted to do right now was cry. 

My thoughts wandered to my parents. Mother had given permission for me to leave, she said her prayers were with me. I'd come back for her. My father wasn't thrilled about the idea, and wouldn't have let me go. Luckily, I guess you could say, he had disappeared a year ago. Ma said he left because he didn't like us, though I doubt that was true.

Drawing power from Aquarius had taken up a lot of my energy, now this healing spell had rendered me completely useless. Hopefully, I wouldn't encounter any problems for the rest of the day.

I stood and stretched. My feet felt slightly cramped but at least I could walk now. I trudged on, dust flew around my face, the sun shone brightly and I was starting to feel slightly alone. If I hadn't used up all my energy, I could cast a speed spell. I'm just so useless. . . . . Speed spell, eh? I could..maybe try.

Even though attempting this would be futile, I might as well try. I held my hands out, took a deep breath and begun. "O swift and weightless wind, thy properties be sent unto me, give me the gift of speed! Binsoku!" A bubble surounded me as I floated off the ground. It actually worked? I might just have more magic power than I thought. I giggled and flew forward, moving at about the speed of a hummingbird.

I had been flying for about thirty minutes when I saw a building in the distance. As my concentration faltered, the spell started to lose power and I immediately fell to the ground. I laughed and stood, brushed myself off and started to run forward. The noise that was usually made by locomotives could be heard. My prayers had been answered. I had gotten to a train station!

I ran into the station bursting with glee. I didn't have to run anymore, I could just take a train. I looked over my shoulder to see the train going to Disa. The conductor was currently collecting tickets. Tickets, I didn't have a ticket! I have no money! I can't take the train. What am I going to do? I most definitely cannot walk any further. My Binsoku would only take me about a few miles each day...I might have to return to the village!

Hell no. I am never going back. Never. I only have one choice. I waited for the conductor to disappear into the train before I started walking towards it. I did not move as yet, I just stared at the train. The conductor peeked out at me.

"Are ya coming aboard, girly?" He called out. His voice was gruff and didn't at all fit his neat look.

"No sir. I'm..." think Mya, think. "Just..observing! I really want to see how your train looks while its moving." I grinned at him, trying to back up my statement. The old train wasn't very pretty at all, but it was a wonderful sight for sore eyes like mine.

The conductor shook his head at me  with a frown. The same way you'd look at a begger on the streets. Pity for the stupid or insane. He ducked back into his train. Steam shot out of the train's chimney. A whistling sound followed the steam and soon the mechanical whir once the train started moving. The first cart rolled by, then the second, the third and finally...the fourth!

I grinned, looked around quickly and jumped unto the back of the fourth cart, I hauled myself up and unto the top. I heard a few people calling out, saying I was stealing a ride. Luckily, the noise was too loud for the conductor, who was operating the train, to hear. I crawled along the top of the train towards a small opening and squeezed myself in. Blood dripped from the small cuts on my thighs, hands and sides that were made by the sharp edges of the aluminium.

I'm in! I can't believe it! I actually got in. Now, all I had to do was stay in.

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