Chapter Three: Acceptance.

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I smiled nervously, brushing my hair from my face. "Spells? I can't cast any spells! Why did it have to be spells? Well. . . . of course it had to be spells but. . . . but!"Though having a mental breakdown, I did my best to seem even the slightest bit presentable on the outside. I was already pushing my luck, showing up there extremely dirty and telling him my village had no name. Which of course, it didn't. . . I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. The man couldn't be too picky, if he was still considering me up to this point.

Aquarius was out of the question, wouldn't even consider it. Leppil Seia would also require too much magical power. Binsoku? That wouldn't impress anyone, it isn't like I could use it that well. I had left my Spell Book at home and my memory was even worse than a goldfish's. I really wasn't ready for this at all.

The man suddenly stood and motioned for me to follow. I nodded without a word and stood, walking behind him as he headed out of the office. After less than three minutes of walking down the Hallway, he unlocked a door and we entered what seemed to be an auditorium. This, was however larger than my whole village.

I couldn't help but admire the beautiful interior of the room. The floor was made out of wood, light in colour, though I couldn't say I knew what type it was. The walls were a beautiful light yellow, complementing the floors. Benches were abundant on the left side of the room. It seemed as if this room was made for some sort of play, or something that many people would come to watch. An open window allowed cool breeze to enter the room, a few cherry blossom leaves floated in.

The man tapped my shoulder. I turned abruptly and faced him. He looked at me with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Well, go ahead. Cast a spell, young one." He said, taking a seat on one of the benches.

Young one?I thought, laughing slightly. I was about to say something, but I surely couldn't talk my way out of this without losing my chance to enter the school. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to occur to me fast enough.

"Well. . . . you see I can't guarantee my spells will work. I helped some people along the way, and drained a lot of my magical power." I blurted, smiling nervously.

The man nodded. "I understand. . . . but there is no other way to convince me you are worthy of this spot. There are many magicians who would like to join, and we may only accept the most promising."

I frowned. The man understood me, and I understood him. There must have been many other out there who would make better students. However, this was my only chance. I stared down at my feet, trying to think of something to do. The floor really is beautiful . . . . . am I even worthy of this place? I looked up at the man, a few tears escaping my eyes and making their way down my face. After a few more moments of thought I finally found a solution.

"There are people who can sense magical power in Disa!" I yelled to the man with a wide grin.

He stared at me with a puzzled face. "Well, yes, of course. Do you mean I should take you to one?"

"Exactly!" I shouted, my voice echoing off the auditorium walls. "He'll tell you just how much power I have, even though I can't use it right now." I jumped up and down in excitement.

"I am currently busy, but I shall send some one with you. If you are over class 3 in magical power; I'll allow you to join. Wait here, I'll send someone for you." The man replied. He turned and walked out of the room.

I stood there, watching the man walk out of the room. Busy?I thought. You didn't seem busy at all. . .I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair and looked down at my dress. Note to self, change clothing as soon as possible.

Light footsteps alerted me of the presence of someone. Someone then entered the room. His perfectly styled jet black hair and slightly girlish face made it slightly hard to tell his gender at first; but after noticing his muscles I had settled on his being male.

"I was sent by the Headmaster. . . . I'm Eric, you must be Mya" He walked up to me and held out his hand for a handshake.

"I am" I replied, taking his hand. He had a firm grip, and it made me feel extremely flimsy at the moment. I shook his hand anyway with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Eric."

He nodded and started leading me out of the room. I walked quickly to keep up with his pace. I hadn't realised his height because of our earlier distance. It was now obvious how tall he was. I followed him down the hallway, which was quiet and empty other than about four people including us. He then opened a door and pushed me in, not bothering to follow.

"I'll be leaving now. I have classes." Eric said quickly. He then closed the door with a smile, leaving no time for me to reply.

I turned to look at the room. It contained only a desk and two chairs; one placed behind the desk and one in front. A lady sat behind the desk looking at me with a grim expression.

"Sit down, Mya." she said in an equally grim tone. She had long raven black hair and a beauty spot above her mouth. She was quite pale, and I could spot no make up on her face. Her voice didn't match her beauty at all, as it was very nasal and somber.

I sat and placed my hands in my lap. "How do you know my name?" I asked, slightly puzzled.

"The headmaster had called me earlier. . . I'm supposed to judge your magical power" she replied with an annoyed expression.

So they have people like that in the school? Is that even remotely necessary? I said nothing, but nodded at the woman who closed her eyes and started to chant in a foreign language. She continued like this for a few minutes, then opened her eyes and looked at me in astonishment.

"If I'm correct, you are a level nine magician. That is quite impressive, young lady. Do you come from a long line of strong sorcerers?"

I gasped and stared at the woman with surprise. She must surely be mistaken! "Why, you must be incorrect! I come from a family with few magicians and I'm very sure that I am about a level four." I replied.

The lady frowned. "You dare criticize my power? I can assure you that I am always right." she looked at me in disgust. 'You should get some manners! Well, get out now! I have done what I was asked to do! Go bother the head master and leave me alone!" she waved her hand in a dismissive manner and I was abruptly blown out of the room by a gust of wind.

The doors then slammed shut in front of me, and my dress floated down. It was then I realised that for a moment my underwear must have been fully exposed. I looked around for anyone who might have witnessed it and then hurried down the hall, looking for the headmaster's office.

I finally found it about half an hour later. I pushed open the door to the office to find the headmaster drinking tea.

"Accepted into the academy. Now go, ask the students if you need any help. I am busy. You will be staying in dorm 37." He waved to me and I braced myself; expecting to be sent flying out like last time. After realising that it wasn't a spell but just his way of saying goodbye, I stood and left the Office.

Dorm 37? Now I'm going to have to search for the dorms! On the bright side. . . . I got in! Disa, get ready!

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