This is so cliche.

I exit my Range Rover and walk up to the door.
I take a few deep breaths before ringing the door bell, once, before I change my mind.
I wait for a minute, while shuffling my feet. After a minute the door finally opens revealing a beautiful woman with mid length orangey hair and a red dress on.
"Hi! You must be Harry." She says in a question like tone.
"The one and only." I smile politely.
I can see where Zoey gets her good looks.
She giggles, "We've heard so much about you," she explains, "I'm Alison." She assures while shaking my hand.
I smile as she says "Come on in, don't be shy"
"Ok, thanks" I tell her.
I walk in behind her and close the door.
I hear a shuffle of foot steps before a tall silhouette appears infront of me.
He clears his throat causing Mrs Smith to turn around.
"Oh! Harry, this is my husband, Rob"
"Hello, sir." I say nervously as his figure comes into show.
"Hey, mate, as my wife already said, I'm Rob" he says, reaching for my hand.
I take it while saying, "As I'm sure you know, Sir, I'm Harry"
He nods, while I hear someone walk downstairs.
"Mommy, can you please do my hair?"
I turn to see who it is, even though I already know you it is.
"Charlie, come and meet Harry." Mrs Smith says.
A small smirk arrives on my face.
She gets the same smirk.
She walks over to me, and I can't help but think about how she is the most prettiest little girl in the world.
She is wearing a flowing blue dress, with white dots and a green bow wrapped around it.
She walks over to where who her mom is standing, acting shy.
"Hi." I say, "I'm Harry"
"Hi Harry" she says walking over to me.
She stops just in front of me, giving me an eye.
I get down to her level.
"You look very beautiful" I tell her.
She smiles and runs into my arms.
I lift her up and spin her around a couple of times.
When I put her down I see Zoeys parents smiling.
"Charlie, hunny, go ask Zoey to do your hair, while I finish getting ready.
She goes upstairs, and Mr Smith invites me to sit down with him.
I'm just about to go down stairs, when I hear a knock at my door.
"Come in."
Behind the door, reveals Charlie's in her favourite blue dress.
I smile, she is literally the cutest kid ever.
"Zoey, can you do my hair please?"
"Sure, come sit down."
She sits down in the chair at my dresser.
I grab my curling iron and start curling her long blond hair.
"Have you been downstairs?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?" She replies.
"Is Harry here yet?"
"Yes, he looks pretty."
I smile. I bet he does.
When I'm finished I tell Charlie to tell mom I'd be down in a minute.
After I fix my hair, I walk downstairs.

I see Charlie come back downstairs, followed by the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
When Zoey sees me she smiles. I stand up and admire her as she walks over to me. She is wearing a tight fitting dark blue dress that reaches about her knees, with black lace sleeves, that fit like a t shirt.
"Harry! Charlie's right, you do look pretty." She squeals as she approaches me, jumping into my arms.
"I wasn't really going for anything pretty, but I could say the same thing to you, babe." I smile, wrapping my arms around her.
"Right." Mr Smith says clapping his hands together. "Should we get going grandma and grandad will be there already.
"Yeah let's go!" Charlie and Zoey say at the same time, causing the rest of us to laugh.
We go outside and as me and Zoey start to walk away to my car. We get stopped by Charlie.
"Can I come with you guys?" She asks.
"Yeah sure thing" I tell her.
She smiles and I help her into the back seat.
I close the door for Zoey, and walk around to my side getting in.
"Are we all buckled up?" I ask.
"Yep!" They both reply, popping the P.
I laugh and start the engine, following behind Zoeys parents.
"So, did they buy it?" Zoey asks Charlie.
"Yes," she said.
"I had them eating out of my hands" I laugh.
"So they didn't suspect that you two had already met before?" Zoey asks.
"Not a thing." I say.
After A minute silence, Charlie says, "I can't wait to see Nanna and Poppy."
"Neither can I" Zoey replies, "we haven't seen them since Christmas!"
After 5 minutes we arrive at the restaurant.
what have I gotten myself into? Zoey and Charlie are absolutely crazy!
I smile at the memories we had on the ride here, and I go open Charlie's door, helping her out.
By the time me and Charlie walk around to the other side of the car, Zoey is already out, standing on the side walk, waiting for us.
She smiles when she sees us and Charlie skips over to hers and Zoeys parents who are at the door of the restaurant waiting for us. They go inside, with us following behind. I wrap my arm around Zoeys waist and we walk inside.

As we walk inside mom and dad have already found my grandparents and I see grandad lift up Charlie hugging the life out of her.
I smile, and I feel Harry's arm remove itself from my waist, as we approach them.
"Grandma!" I yell hugging her.
"Zoey! Dear. Happy birthday!" she says pulling out of the hug.
"Me and your grandfather have just returned from Italy, and we got you these birthday present." She exclaims excitedly, handing me a big bag of presents. Me and Charlie always got spoilt from grandma and grandad. "Aww, thanks grandma" I say giving her another hug.
"Ahem. Do I not get a hug?" asks and old voice from behind me. I turn around to see grandad standing there.
"Hi grandad!!" I say as I stroll into his arms, hugging him. "Happy birthday pumpkin"
"Thanks grandad" I say bumping into someone behind me, as they place their arms around my waist.
"Oh, grandma, grandad, this is Harry. He's my boyfriend. Harry, these are m grandparents, Louise and John." I say pointing to each elder.
"Hello dear" my grandma says, walking towards Harry.
"Hello ma'am" he says reaching for her hand placing a kiss on it.
"Your so handsome" she flirtatiously smiles, cause me to cover my mouth to stop me from laughing.
Harry chuckles. "Thank you ma'am.
"Hi." Grandad says shaking his hand. "Hello sir." Harry smiles.
"Shall we sit down now?" my mother asks.
"Yes! let's" replies grandma. my mother slides in the booth, next to my father with Charlie sitting beside him, with grandma and grandad opposite mom and dad, with me sitting beside grandma, beside Harry, who is opposite Charlie.
"So..." Grandma starts. "Is this your first time meeting Harry?" She asks pointing between mom and dad.
"Yeah, we've never meet him before, but he seems like a gentleman." Says dad.
Me and Harry both smile, when the waiter comes over.
"Hey guys, have you decided on drinks or what you'd like this evening?" He asks.
We order our mains and our drinks, and then get back to talking.
"So, Harry, when did you and Zoey meet?" Dad asks.
I look up at him, and when he notices he looks down at me and smiles. "Well, I first met her on her first day of school, she got lost, and I decided to go see if she needed help, possibly the best decision of my life."
Mom and grandma smiles, so do I and Harry looks down to find a small pink tint on my checks.
"How long have you been dating?" Asks grandma.
"Exactly 1 month today." I smile.
"Happy anniversary!" Everyone, but Charlie says.
We both smile.
"So what are your intentions of Zoey?" Dad asks.
I roll my eyes, and let put a small giggle.
Harry, looks down and gives a small chuckle.
"Haha-uh, well, I am going to protect her with my life, and not let anything happen to her, I care about her very much, I will put my life before hers, and risk mine for her, and will never purposefully hurt her."
I smile sweetly, I have never heard anyone say that kind of stuff about me before.
Everyone smiles, and I wipe away a tear. Harry notices and pulls me into his chest for a side hug effect.
"What do you admire most about her?" Grandpa steps in.
"Woah! That's a hard question." Harry jokes. "I love her personality, I think she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and she's very funny, and if my our friend Niall were here, they would've destroyed the whole restaurant with their mouths." We both laugh, deserving confused looks from everyone.
"The rest of the group, joke about me and Niall being long lost food siblings, we are both insane when it comes to food." I say between fits of giggles, making Harry laugh harder, making his amazing dimples cave in further.
"Oh!" Mom laughs "she's always had a thing for food."
The rest of the night went pretty well, everyone seems to like Harry. That's the best thing.
We walk out of the restaurant with everyone walking ahead of me and mom, with Harry following behind with Charlie on his back. It makes me smile.
"You've chosen very well" says mom, intruding me of my thoughts.
"I know" I smile.
"I like him, I think he's perfect for you. During dinner, I saw him catching glances at you and smiling to himself. He was looking down on you in admiration. I know that for a fact. I'm just happy you chose someone perfect like Harry. She says turning back to see him playing with Charlie, still on his back. They're running around mad.
I smile.
We say good bye to my grandparents. Watching them drive away, was hard, but we will see them again at Christmas so it's fine.
Harry puts Charlie in mom and dads car, after they get in.
"Ok, see you guys on Sunday night, I say.
"Bye, sweetie, be safe" mom waves.
Dad waves too and we watch them drive away, before going to Harrys car.
"That went well." I say after a minute of us driving.
"Yeah, better than expected, they're nice." Harry smiles.
"Mom loves you" I laugh causing Harry to laugh to.
We get stopped by the sound of my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I say into the phone
"Zoey, where are you?" Mom asks.
"Almost at Harrys why?" She sniffs from the other line. "Mom?"
"There's been an accident."

I'm so sorry I haven't updated for ages, but I wanted to get this right.
So, there's been an accident, what could it be?
Have you guys seen the Night Changes video?
Now I can say I've been on a date with all five of them!!

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