Chapter Twenty-Five

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A few hours later, the company returns. They suffered a significant loss, and if they fall into combat again any time soon, their entire camp will be gone.

Harry is waiting in the medical tent next to Niall while Liam and Louis are eating supper. The sun has nearly disappeared behind the trees by the time they hear their companions return.

"Oh, shit. I was kind of hoping they all died."

"Harry." Liam scolds. "Stay here with Niall. I'll go speak to them."

After the entire company comes to a halt in front of the corporal's quarters, Liam calls out to them. "Our old corporal has left us."

"What?" The sergeant asks, pulling out his saber. "What are you talking about, Payne?"

"I came out here hours ago after hearing someone screaming and yelling. Styles had been tied up to that pole and left alone. I investigated to find that the corporal and his assistants were nowhere to be found."

"You mean to tell me he just ran off?"

"Are you sure Styles didn't kill them?"

"Yeah, like we did to his twink?"

"He was probably mad we killed his bitch, so he took his anger out by killing one of us!"

"He's a traitor! He killed the corporal!"

"Silence!" Liam yells. "You all are worse than fucking children. No, he did not kill them. I would've heard the gunshots."

"And what did you hear?"

"I heard a lot of whipping, and crying, and then screaming from Styles. They were trying to kill him. They left him in the sun to die, and he would have if I didn't find him." Liam informs them, and Harry takes that moment to lie in one of the cots and pretend to be injured, taking his hints.

"Wait, so the corporal actually left us?"

"Why would he do that?"

Liam scoffs, "Because he's a chicken-shit. He's been a pussy since this war started, and tries to prove his worth by hurting innocent people, such as Styles."

Sergeant Collins cuts in, "Styles is not as innocent as you think, Payne. Anyone that sticks up for the enemy is as bad as they are."

"And what do you think Corporal Maddox was doing? He could have easily killed the traitor that came into our camp on the first day, but he didn't. Why?"

"Because Styles told him not to."

"No! Because Maddox was too weak to stand up to Harry, so he let him get his way! And Styles kept getting his way for weeks and only overpowered him when he was in a moment of desperation. If Maddox was truly a leader, he would have taken Harry and Niall out and won, but he didn't. Because he was too weak and too much of a pussy to stand up for himself.

"Why do you think he orchestrated this whole ruse to get Niall killed? Because if he knew he did it himself, Harry would fight him! He had to get Harry alone and believing Niall was going to die just to hurt him, and even still, Harry fought through it!

"Harry is injured more than I've ever seen, but he still had the energy and will to call out for help."

Sergeant Maddox shakes his head, "What are you getting at, Payne?"

"Look, I don't know what you plan to do, but currently, we're corporal-less. We have no leader. Someone has to step up. And, even though he's injured, I believe Harry would be the perfect candidate. Look, he can even still walk, even though he's unbelievably hurt."

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