Chapter Fourteen

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A few days later, Harry is called into Corporal Maddox's quarters to discuss what to do about Niall. Harry was kind of hoping that the rest of his company would almost forget about Niall locked in the cellar, since at least he's safe while he's down there.

"Styles, how have you been?" The corporal starts, sitting behind his desk and pulling out a rolled up map of the area. It looks similar to the map Niall gave him when they were escaping, only different markings are made in different places.

"Fine, sir."

"How is our prisoner? Still alive?"

Harry nods, "Yes, sir. He's still alive, and getting better."

"These men sure did rough him up when they found him, huh?" The corporal cackles and one of the door guards joins in with him. Harry chuckles quietly, trying to act like he enjoys the pain Niall's gone through, but it only makes him feel awkward when the laughter dies down. "Anyway, as much as I'd like these men to beat him further for information, we'll go with your plan to make this map."

Harry bites his lip, trying to hold back his grimace at the thought of Niall being hurt again. He'll keep his word the best he can to save him from any further harm. "Yes, sir. We'll start working on it today when I go in to feed him."

"Very good. Now, can I trust you with this? Last I heard, you lost the map you got from the enemy to find your way back here."

"Yes, of course, sir. Once the map served no purpose to us anymore I put it in my rucksack, but it must've fallen out or blew away while we were marching." Harry sticks by his alibi, even though he still has the crumpled parchment shoved into the bottom of his rucksack.

Corporal Maddox nods, "Well, be very careful with this one. We can't afford to lose it."

"I will." Harry stands and reaches over the desk to take the map. "Thank you, sir." Harry salutes the corporal.

"Very good, soldier." Corporal Maddox salutes back and motions for the door. Right as Harry is about to leave, the corporal calls again, "Oh, and Styles?" Harry turns back toward the man. "Please try to work on the map in a timely manner. We want to find the enemy before they find us."

"I plan to get as much done with him each day as I can, sir." Harry responds, and the corporal seems to accept that answer with a smile. He waves Harry out, and Harry nods at the door guards and any others lurking around in Corporal Maddox's quarters before making is way out the front door.

The rest of his company is crowded around for lunch, eating by the fire and near the kitchen aides. Harry shoves the map into one of his pockets as he collects Niall's food and water, along with stopping by his tent to grab his lantern and the other map.

When Harry opens the door, Niall is drawing patterns into the dirt below him. "Hey, Harry." He greets him as Harry lights the wall lamps one by one.

"Hey." Harry responds, handing Niall his hardtack and water cup. Niall takes them gratefully as Harry seats himself next to Niall, leaning against the wall. He stares at him while he eats.

Niall stops for a moment, sending him a look. "What?"

"Nothing." Harry smiles, propping his knee up and rest his arm on it. "We just actually have to do something today."

Niall takes another bite of his hardtack. "Really?"

Harry nods, pulling out the parchment. "Yeah. That map I told you about? We have to start working on it now."

"I told you, I don't remember anything about how I got here." Niall sighs.

"No, no, I know. But I have this, remember?" Harry pulls out the ball of parchment that was the enemy's map and unravels it slowly.

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