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Bucky jumps up with a fright, Steve following, and turn their heads towards the door. Tony was standing in the doorway, eyes wide, mouth agape, hands clenched into fists.

"Get the fuck away from my son, Rogers!" Tony yells, eyes now in a glare.

Bucky and Steve scramble from out of the bed and when tony tries to get near Steve, Bucky stands in front of him, holding tony off. "Dad, stop!" He cries in desperation. "Please, just calm down!"

"What the fuck is he doing here!" Tony points over at Steve, getting ready to throw a punch. "Did he touch you?"

"No! Just listen!" Bucky yells. "Steve and I..."

Tony looks at him in confusion.

"Steve and I have been seeing each other behind your back..."

The room is quiet, too quiet. Bucky's stomach was churning painfully. He felt sick. "Dad.." he whispers. "Say something."

"How long?" Tony asks.


"How long!"

Bucky flinches. "Months.."

Tony let's put a shaky breath, bringing his hands up to his hair as he begun pacing back and forth. "You've gotta be shitting me!"

"I- I'm not.."

"YOUR SHITTING ME!" Tony screams, shoving Bucky to the ground before launching a fist right into Steve's nose. "Get the fuck out of my house, NOW!"

"Bucky?" Steve asks, ignoring Tonys request. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine." Bucky responds, leaning on his arm. "Just go! Before you get even more hurt!"

Steve nods and runs down the hallway, only to have Tony on his heel in seconds, Bucky's pleas for him to stop sounding through the air. Steve makes it down the steps and over to the stables, looking left and right to try and find Blaze.

Bucky is up on his feet in seconds, chasing after them outside and catches sight of his father running towards the stables with the pistol, eyes murderous. "Dad, no!" Bucky yells.

Steve has Blaze half way out of the stall by the time both Tony and Bucky make it inside and Steve stops, putting his hands in the air as Tony points the gun at him. "You." Tony glowers. "You deserve a bullet in the skull for all the shit you've pulled!"

"Dad!" Bucky grabs ahold of Tony's arm. "Please! Don't do this!"

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't."

"Because I'm in love with him!"

Those six words have Tonys blood boiling in seconds and he points the gun back up, pulling the trigger.

The bang of the gun going off sounds through the air along with a pain filled neigh, then the drop of a large weight to the ground. Bucky screams, Steve's eyes glazing over with tears. "Blaze!" Steve yells, rushing to the injured horses side and putting pressure on the wound. "Blaze!"

Bucky is on Blazes other side in an instant, patting and trying to calm him down. "Shh, your okay." Bucky says shakily. "Your gonna be okay, bud."

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