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Steve will be okay. Sam will be okay. Carol will be okay. They know what they're doing.

Bucky repeats inside of his mind like a mantra, pacing back and forth with his hand in his hair, biting into his lower lip. He'll receive a message or call from them any moment now. It will all be okay. Surely. But if Steve or any of them are hurt, Tony was in big trouble.

"Bucky!" Stephen calls from the kitchen, sounding exhausted. "Dinners ready and I think your dads home!"

Bucky is speeding out the door in an instant, past Stephen, jumping over the couch and ripping the sliding door to the side. He runs over to the Ute, seeing none other than Blaze being forced out of the float, fear clear in his gaze.

"Dad!" Bucky screams. "Stop! Your scaring him!"

"Bucky-" Tony starts, turning around with the harshest glare and what looks to be a small hint of blood on his fist. "Get inside. NOW."

Bucky refuses, latching onto his fathers arm with a tight grip. "You. You fucking said you had given up on this horse! What did you do!?"

Tony sighs, almost a growl, and nods towards Loki who strides over to Bucky and wraps his arms around his waist. He picks Bucky up with ease and begins to carry him inside, grunting as Bucky begins to thrash and punch, yelling and cursing. "Let me go!" He cries. "I- I have to-

"Bucky." Loki says, loud and harsh, throwing him onto the grass beside the three stairs towards the door. "Get inside now."

"No!" Bucky yells, getting up from the ground with slight difficulty and trying to run past his uncle, only to be shoved back onto the ground with a pained yelp.

They are interrupted though by the sliding door opening once again and an angry looking Stephen emerging from the home. He runs down the stairs and stands in front of Bucky, a protective barrier and points a finger in Loki's chest. "Get away from him right now or so help me I'll go and get the shot gun."

Loki gulps and backs away, hands in the air before rushing into the stables where they had managed to situate the horse. Bucky takes Stephens hand that is lent to him and gets up from the ground. "Thanks.." he whispers.

Stephen frowns. "Go inside. Your father and I need to have a chat."

Bucky goes to protest, but nods at the look in Stephens eyes. He bows his head, turns around and walks up the stairs, feeling the panic to begin to grow in his chest.

Please tell me your okay ~ Bucky
My dad just got back with Blaze. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry. I'll try get him back to you, okay? I promise. ~ Bucky

Bucky curls himself into a ball in one of the corners in his room, trying to ease the panic, the fear that Steve had gotten hurt. Or even worse, killed. Bucky could feel it, building like an unstoppable bolder in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't focus on anything but the beat of his heart getting harder and faster, adrenaline levels rising and his brain firing out negative thoughts like a machine gun. Sweat soaks his skin from head to toe, almost like another hot skin on the outside, moving over his body and never releasing. The arguments swarming in his mind begin to get louder and faster and more hurtful to the point his brain shuts down his body.

He can't seem to stop shaking. This was his fault. He should've tried harder. Stolen the keys, taken the Ute, gone to Peggy's in the first place to help! Who cares about the risk? Bucky loves Steve and that's all that matters. Wait. Bucky loves-

This makes everything worse.

The boulder in his stomach is still there by morning, his heart beat is still raging, sweat still soaking his skin, limbs shaking like a leaf. He hadn't heard anything. No calls. No texts. Almost as if they had been wiped from existence. Bucky drags himself into the bathroom for a quick shower, but it doesn't end up being quick. He sits in the tub, head bowed, as the water rushes down against his body, hot and calming, wiping away the sweat from his skin.

Hidden Love ~ Stucky Where stories live. Discover now