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For the past week Steve and Bucky had been hanging out together, growing closer and finding out more and more about the other. And well Bucky, he thought he was ready to go all the way. He trusted Steve. He loved Steve. Holy shit. He loved Steve. He was in love with Steve.

Bucky pulls his phone from his pocket and dials Natasha's number, slamming the device against his ear. "Nat!" He screams once she answers. "This is an emergency!"

Natasha winces. "What's wrong?"

"I'm in love with Steve."


"I'm in love with Steve."

A gasp is heard from the other line. "OH MY GOD!" She screams. "YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM!"

"How though!?"

"Invite him over later on tonight and watch some movies, maybe even get it on, and then just tell him."

Bucky sighs. "But.. how do I tell him I want to go all the way?"

Another gasp and another squeal. "Oh my god! This is amazing! You just tell him. It may be easier said than done but I assure you, Steve will be perfectly fine with it."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Now get to it."

"Thanks Nat."

"You're welcome, bye Buckaroo."

And that's exactly what Bucky did.


Long, dark brown hair had somehow found itself clutched tight and harsh between Steve's fingers, being tugged and squeezed.

At one moment, Steve and Bucky were cuddled up on the bed, hazy eyes focused on the movie before them, and the next Steve was slid between Bucky's thighs, staring intently and their faces only inches apart.

Bucky wasn't exactly sure how they had ended up kissing from watching a movie. But he sure as hell didn't give a single fuck about it. Especially not when Steve's lips were on his, kissing him with a warm, open mouth.

Their tongues slid together, hands roaming and muffled moans and groans filling the air. The kiss was sloppy and desperate, neither of the two wanting to break away and give in to the air their lungs so desperately needed.

Their teeth accidentally clang together, but both are too caught up in the kiss to acknowledge the pain and begin to roll their hips. Bucky gasped out a moan at the harsh tug made at his hair, breaking the kiss and whimpering at the urgent sucks and bites being made across his neck.

"S-Steve-" He whines, arching his back off the bed. "K-kiss me.."

Steve gave a low chuckle against the soft skin of his boyfriends neck, sending small vibrations down his throat and goosebumps over his arms. He removed his face from its spot in the boys neck and forces his lips back onto Bucky's, slipping his tongue into his mouth.

Bucky gave a soft mewl, gripping at the back of Steve's shirt in attempt to steady himself. His mind was fuzzy and he felt weightless. Kissing Steve was amazing and every time it seemed to get better and better.

Their hands would become more persistent and urgent, the kisses sloppy and fast, and more and more items of clothing were discarded. But right before they got to the good bit, Steve would pull away and lay back down beside Bucky, pulling him close and kissing his temple.

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