"How did you— when— I-"

Bucky gives a small laugh. "Stevie, you don't know everything about me. Nat used to do ice skating and would bring me to the skating rink that closed down."

Steve shakes himself from his daze. "Man. I really don't know everything. What else don't I know?"

"That I was in the cheer team for awhile after T'Challa and I split.... that my mum just got an apartment and moved out of the addiction centre... that my dad refuses to let me go anywhere near Blaze." Bucky thinks for a few moments. "Yeah, that's pretty much it."

"Wow." Steve mumbles. "We need to talk more."

"We do. Now, come on. It's time to skate together!"

Bucky grabs ahold of Steve's hand, dragging him out onto the ice and giggling when Steve grabs ahold of his arm tightly, legs shaking. "Never skated before?"

Steve shakes his head. "Nope."

Bucky grins. "That's too bad." He says before letting go of Steve and giving him a small shove forward.

Steve yelps with fright and flails his arms around to try and keep himself steady. "You son of a bitch!" He shouts over his shoulder just before falling face first onto the ice.

Bucky threw his head back, arms crossed over his belly, and let out a loud, squawking laugh. His eyes were crinkled at the corners as his body shook, stomach going tight at the wheezes leaving his mouth. "Oh my god!" He yells.

Steve grumbles, placing his hands out in front of him and crawling over to the wall, climbing back onto his feet. Bucky still seemed to be laughing, though he was skating towards his pouting boyfriend with a grin on his lips.

"I'm so sorry." Bucky gasps. "I had no idea you were gonna fall."

Steve sighs. "It's fine. As long as you were laughing and were happy, it's fine with me."

"Wanna give it another go?" Bucky asks, smiling cheekily.

Steve shakes his head. "No thanks. I think I'm gonna stay on the wall for now."

"Aw, okay."

Bucky skates off toward Nakia, the two grabbing each others hand and began to gain momentum, gliding around the rink. They stood on their left feet and raised their right behind themselves, heads in the air and laughing.

Steve tries to calm the jealousy bubbling inside of his stomach at the sight, knowing full well that they were just friends and Bucky was most definitely hooked on Steve. Calm down. Steve tells himself.

"They're pretty good, aren't they?" T'Challa says, coming to a stop beside Steve and nearly falling to the ground. "I had no idea either of them could skate."

Steve laughs. "Same here. They look like they're having fun though."


The two fall into an awkward silence. They never liked one another. Not after what happened at the beach. Though, thankfully, it didn't last long and the others came rushing over, collecting their partner.

"You having fun?" Bucky asks, leaning against the wall in front of Steve.

Steve nods with a smile. "Yeah, I am. Your really good."

Bucky smiles. "Thanks. I'm gonna quickly go to the bathroom and be right back."


Steve pecks Bucky's lips before watching him walk off of the ice and head toward the bathrooms. Steve pushes himself off of the wall, but not too far, and begins to slowly skate around the rink, legs wobbling less and less with each step.

He was finally getting the hang of it and when he was on his third lap without falling, Bucky came up behind him and hugged him, causing them both to tumble to the ground on top of one another, giggling.

"God all mighty." Steve grunts with a laugh, wrapping his arms around Bucky's waist.

"Hi." Bucky whispers.

"Hi." Steve responds.

Bucky rests his head on Steve's chest for a few moments before lifting it and looking into Steve's eyes once more, sparkling with absolute happiness.  "I like you."

Steve grins. "I like you too."


~ Maddi ❤️


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