New Bonds

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                                      One can imagine the reaction of the other Demons upon hearing that the Devil would be helping at the hotel, Charlie happily introduced the King to every resident who was either helping the Princess with her project or wanted to find redemption to move on themselves.  While Alastor's magic had taken over the appearance and decor of the Hazbin Hotel, Devyn Bane used his resources to stock the pantries and coolers with enough food to feed all the wayward souls who would eventually join as word got out that Lucifer Magne was endorsing his little girl's hotel.

"Hey Dad, so how do you know the Radio Demon?"  Charlie had asked one day as the Devil was in the Office with her eating an apple, he paused while considering his answer.

"I met him when he first arrived in Hell, you were small still so you wouldn't remember him all that well.  At first, we had our spats and what not but in time we came around to an understanding and although others may think us enemies or that Alastor seeks the throne.  I know otherwise, one can't lie to the Devil," he smiled at Charlie and hearing that gave her comfort in knowing the other wasn't there to harm her or get in the way of her project like Vaggie had said.  However, she didn't know that Lucifer wanted this to end so that his daughter could see the futile attempts at helping others, and yet the Devil himself was finding his attitude towards the mortals trying to find redemption was changing.

               The first few days were eventful as Charlie was helping the new residents get comfortable at the hotel, Yuuki was filled with energy and went about running through the halls while learning that she could shapeshift into other smaller animals, and while running about as a mink she ran into a small piglet by the name of Fat Nuggets.  Not long after, the mink saw this tall pink Spider Demon come down the hall to pick his pet up and seeing the tiny mink, he cooed at how adorable she was and picking her up as well.  Angel Dust ran off with the little mink to play dress-up with her and his pet piglet, meanwhile, the black wolf known as Marie was being entertained by the Devil's antics.  He'd juggle various objects while singing merrily tunes for her and other Demons, the Devil was rather fond of canines and found that he liked to hear Marie's laughter.  She was an interesting mortal that didn't seem to fear the Devil at all rather she wanted to be around him any chance she got and in time he got to speak with her about how she lived life on Earth, how her family lived in a neighborhood of violence and drugs.  Much like Hell, fighting would break out in her neighborhood involving the gangs of the city and although the only thing she could think of that would land her in Hell was the fact that she had to steal to survive.  With her younger sibling whom Marie nicknamed Fuzz, the two would starve from time to time with their Father never having any money to feed them.  One day while men came looking for her Dad, Marie was trying to protect her little sister and lost her life to the violence that overcame her home, she found herself in Hell shortly after.  The Devil sat next to the wolf upon the couch of the library, he listened quietly to her tale and seeing tears well within her eyes, Lucifer found that he felt sympathy for the poor soul next to him.  As the Devil, it was his job to punish evil and wickedness but he sensed none within Marie and reaching over to wrap an arm around her shoulder to pull her into a hug he smiled tenderly while speaking low.

"I have not met many mortals who don't deserve to be within my realm but you are one of the few I have the pleasure of getting to know, Marie.  A good pupper you are and always will be, things will get better and whether my Daughter is able to help you or not.  I want you to know, that should you need anything, I'd be happy to help."  She looked up at the other sniffling somewhat, Marie was a soft soul that saw the good in others no matter what, and although there were stories of the Devil and his cruel evil ways.  She didn't see that in the King of Hell that sat next to her, hugging her while giving her comfort, she felt safe with him and from then on as the Devil would go about the Hotel.  There was the black wolf following happily behind him, she'd take to learning how to cook from Devyn in the kitchen and would enjoy her time at the Hotel getting to know Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie.  Alastor would realize the bonds being created between the Devil and the new residents, Yuuki had become friends with Angel Dust even going so far as to refer to him as Big Brother as the Spider Demon had a soft spot for cute animals let alone the colorful Alebrije named Yuuki.

Devil's Guardian:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now