See Eye to Eye

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                             Lucifer had returned to the Palace to find Lilith packing for their trip, he was stumbling at this point while holding his head and breathing heavily, using his power like that had taken its toll as the Devil hadn't done something like that in a long time.  Lilith turned to see the King was having trouble standing, getting up to go to his side as she caught him against her, knowing full well what was wrong.

"You overdid it just a bit, I'm sorry we had to go through this today."  Lucifer gasped to look at his Queen,

"Don't you apologize, my Dark Lily, I should have been there.  Seems as though I need to rest, within the snowy mountains at the end of the dark forest, I have a cabin built.  Take us there, we'll stay away for a while, I'm too... I'm too weak to do anything within Hell at the moment."  He looked down, filled with self-hate and pity over his predicament as Lilith nodded to help him sit down in a chair.  She looked at her King, her Husband since the dawn of time and although she loved him, the two hadn't been close in that way for some time.  Her being a Succubus that fed on the sexual desires of others and the Devil who cared more for punishing others than anything else, she knew he was changing, ever since they had Charlie, the Devil was changing to become more mortal each day.

"Lucifer, the sacrifice you had to give to have Charlie, I will love you for it forever.  We both care for her, I'm grateful to you, I promise I won't let anything happen to either of you."  Lucifer smiled down at Lilith who was kneeled beside the chair to lay her head upon his leg, he ran a hand through her long hair while smiling.

"And I promise, if it is within my power to do so, I will protect you two as well as I can.  I'm sorry Lilith," and with that, the Devil transformed into a little white snake, losing consciousness as it laid limply on the chair.  The Queen looked upon her weakened King, going to pick up the snake gently as she knew he had reached his limit and would stay in that form until he restored the lost energy he had used.  The Devil had a secret, there was a reason he went about Hell to frighten and scare other Demons so that they didn't think twice to come at him, even so, Lucifer had gotten careless.  After today, having almost met their end, thinking back on what Lucifer had done to make him carry this dark secret with him and to keep it from others, Lilith kissed the little snake's head.

                          Lucifer Magne, the Devil and King of Hell had ruled over his realm for Eons with his Queen, Lilith, at his side and while things had changed throughout time the Fallen Angel found that he held a void within his very being.   He was lacking something that he couldn't find and although Lilith loved him very much the two beings weren't mortal and they didn't feel the same as others did for each other, something was lacking.  That is when Lucifer got the idea that what if he could have a child of his own, someone of his own flesh and blood to raise and love, he'd speak with Lilith to discuss the idea.  At first, she was confused as to how they could do such a thing, she had been corrupted and morphed into being a Succubus by the Dark magicks of old. She hadn't conceived with anyone let alone the Devil, now back in the day when Angels visited Earth, they would use something called Grace to perform miracles for mortals on earth, Lucifer had some left within him and upon using the last of it to perform the miracle upon Lilith. The King and Queen were going to have a child, he'd place the miracle within his Queen and watched her belly grow with new life.

                        Unfortunately, he wouldn't see the price that came with such a thing, a few weeks after learning Lilith was pregnant and they'd announce it to all of Hell, many would tease and taunt about the Devil becoming a Father.   Lucifer had lost it one day, he'd summon his powers and slaughter those that made fun of him and his family.   Using his magic to torture, maim and kill he didn't know that when he was done killing everyone he'd fall unconscious to the ground and wake up days later within the Palace.   Lilith had gone out to find him and when she did, she had been afraid for him and after explaining what she had seen after he had blacked out.  Lucifer was slowly realizing that he didn't have his same Powers, he was lacking, he was unstable as if his Grace had been the only thing keeping him together.  Lucifer never felt so angry, so hurt and foolish, why?  Why did he give it up?  All for a chance to have a child and fill the hole he felt in his chest, the Devil was furious that he had done such a foolish thing and all for what?   To live in fear that one day a Demon would overpower him?   Take everything that he had now that he was weak, for months he established Fear throughout his realm making sure no Demon would think twice about challenging him all the while trying not to sneer at the growing life that was in his Wife. This might have put a wedge between the two immortals as Lucifer couldn't help but hate what he had done, within the years to come, Lucifer also realized that he felt emotions as mortals did.  They were creeping upon him as he no longer held his Grace, he was changing, weakening to that of his Father's creations.  When the time came and Lilith gave birth to his daughter, Lucifer was with his wife as she was in labor and when that small babe was placed in his hands, Lucifer found all his hate, his anger, and fear gone in an instant.

Devil's Guardian:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now