A/n wow...

677 16 3

Holy shit...I mean HOLY SHIT. People are actually still reading this book? I really don't even know what to say...oh who am I kidding yes I do.

First off I'm sorry, I know how many of you looked forward to me continuing this book. And I know that I said I would but I dint anyway. I could give a huge list of reasons why such as school, depression, losing interest, writers block and so on. But every day, every. Single. Day. I get a notification saying someone voted for this book or someone commented on it. It completely astounds me that people still love this book let alone are still reading it, especially reading back on it now with all the grammar errors and stupid lines. And to my surprise I still do remember exactly where I was going with this, if you angry I completely understand and don't really blame you at all since I kinda left this story for over a year. But...there's a chapter being made as your reading this, yes I'm getting back into this book and yes HOPEFULLY I can finish it. If you have any questions for me or about the story feel free to ask. And I hope you all know that Your support for this book has meant the world to me

     Phew! After all that I really just wanted to say...

                                   Thank you

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