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4 year old Izuku Midoriya opened the door to his twin brothers bedroom. "Kukun, what you doing up?" Izu Midoriya asked his younger, by 13 minutes, brother. "I couldn't sweep." Izuku says "I had nightmaresh" Izu Scooted over, making room for Izuku. "Come sleep with me." He said and patted the spot. Izuku smiled and closed the door and waddled over to the bed.

Izuku climbs onto the bed. "I protect chu!" Izu says and cuddles Izuku. Izuku giggles and cuddles close to his brother. "Thank chu Izuchan!" "Now sleep and you won't have nightmaresh!" Izu says and Izuku nods.

The next morning the boys' mother wakes them. "Izu, Izuku. Wake up~" Their mother, Inko called out softly. Izuku was the first to awake, getting excited for something that was going to happen tomorrow. "Appoinment!" Izuku yells, waking Izu up. Inko laughs softly "That's tomorrow baby. You got the wrong day." she says booping Izuku's nose.

Izuku huffs. "Then why do we wake up earwy?" Izuku says, and Izu gets up from the bed. "We're going to see Katsuki today, remember baby?" Inko chuckles once she sees Izuku jump up and down on the bed. "Kachan Kachan!" Izuku yells and jumps on his mom. "Izu want to dress yourself today?" Inko asks. Izuku yells in disapproval. "I wanna help Izuchan!" He yells.

Inko smiles and sets Izuku down. "Go for it baby." Izuku smiles and helps Izu pick out an outfit for the day, then Izuku tried to help Izu get in his clothing. Izuku smiles in triumph once he sees Izu dressed like his mommy dresses them. "My turn, My turn!" Izuku yells and pulls Izu to his bedroom, yes they had separate rooms, but usually the twins ended up sleeping with each other.

Inko follows them to Izuku's room. All Might instantly clouding her vision. Izu was helping Izuku get dressed like Izuku helped Izu. "You both look so handsome." Inko replied. "Cmon, time to brush your teeth." Inko said, "I'll get your plates ready." Inko said and left the room to prepare the breakfast plates for the family. Izuku dragged Izu to their shared bathroom and grabbed their toothbrushes, giving Izu his he puts toothpaste on his, and Izu does the same.

They both brush their teeth, and once their done they both go to the dining area where Inko just finished setting their plates. "Okay boys, eat up." She says as she helps them into their chairs. She too, sits down at the table and they all start eating together. "Done, mommy!" Izuku says and climbs down from his high chair. "Be careful Izuku. You have to wait for your brother and I." She says, and Izuku nods.

Izu and Inko soon finish, and Inko quickly washes the dishes, and she helps the twins get their socks and shoes on. Inko helps Izuku and Izu out the door, and holds onto both of their hands. They walked to Katsuki's home since it wasn't too far from their own apartment. Izuku was super excited that he got to see his friend, while Izu was excited but not super excited. He didn't like Katsuki that much, but they were friends and close.

Inko knocked on the door of the Bakugo's house. Mitsuki answers the door and greets the three, letting them inside the house. "Inko, I haven't seen you in a while." Mitsuki says and smiles. "Hi Izu, and Izuku. Katsuki's playing at the park with some of his other friends right now." Mitsuki says. Izuku smiles and nods, grabbing Izu's hand and taking him to the park that was right next to Katsuki's house.

Izuku looked around for Katsuki and smiled once he saw him. "Kachan." He called out, waving at him. Katsuki looked at Izuku and Izu. Katsuki huffed, "What Deku?" he says and trots over to the two. "Deku 2.0?" Izu sticks his tongue out at Katsuki. "Whatever Katsu." Katsuki smiles and laughs. "Cmon! Let's play Izu and Deku!" Katsuki says and leads them over to his friends he was playing with.

They noticed that there was crying, and Katsuki's friends were laughing and pointing at someone. Once they got closer, they noticed a bruised brunette was sitting on the ground, tears spilling out of her big emerald eyes. Her once lavender dress was now covered in dirt, and there was a small tear on the shoulder. "Oi! What are you doing! We don't bully girls!" Katsuki yelled at his friends.

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