You wondered if they were a student and why they were here at this hour. You decided it would be best to move more cautiously, but as you got closer to the figure, you began to realize it was simply your green-haired friend. 

'Wait, had he been waiting here this entire time?!' You questioned yourself. 

You went up behind him and called out his name.

"Hi Midoriya. What are you doing here this late?" He looked up, noticing your presence for the first time. The first thing you noticed was the sling holding up his bandaged arm. You frowned realizing that you weren't able to heal him fully just as Recovery Girl had said.

He stood up and smiled in your direction. "(L/n)-chan! I'm glad I was able to catch you. I was going to wait outside the nurse's office for you, but Recovery Girl said I had to go, so I decided to wait out here." He said in a positive and bright attitude.

"You were waiting for me?!" You knew it should have been common sense, but hearing it surprised you a bit. "Plus, you would have had to wait for hours..... and right after the Sports Festival too. You should have gone home and rested. Your still injured." You started to ranted on, worried for the boy.

"It's fine! I made the decision on my own and I really needed to thank you for healing me earlier." He looked at the ground with a blush present on his face.

"Thank me? I wasn't even able to heal you properly. On top of that, I made a complete scene." You felt a bit pathetic.

"N-no! Of course not. You were extremely helpful and my relief was instant. Your quirk is truly incredible (L/n)-chan!" He shouted.

You looked up at him and noticed that his eyes were already on you. For a moment that was all you guys did. Just stared into each other eyes.

You didn't realized how comforting those eyes could be until now. It really made you feel at ease and soon enough, you found yourself smiling at him as an incredibly light feeling filled your chest.

"Thank you Midoriya, I appreciate the compliment." You said.

"Hey! Aren't I the one that's supposed to be thanking you." He giggled a bit as you joined in the laughter.

After you guys calmed down a little, He faced you again. "Anyways, it's pretty dark, s-so I should walk you home."

"No. It's fine, really. I don't want you to go out of your way." You said.

"It's the least I can do." He retaliated.

"Okay." Knowing that you wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise, you decided to accept the offer. 

You guys started walking towards the bullet train station. Once you guys got there, you two boarded the next bullet train to your apartment. Throughout all of this, you guys stayed in a comfortable silence. Though, as soon as you guys got off and started on the way to your place, you decided to break the silence.

"No one filled me in on what happened after I passed out." You mentioned.

"Well, after you healed me, Recovery Girl bandaged me up and I went back to watch the rest of the battles. Tokoyami won your guys fight due to the fact that you were unconscious. In short, Kacchan ended up winning the competition. Todoroki got second, and Iida and Tokoyami shared third place. Although..." He hesitated. "Iida wasn't able to receive his metal." His mood seemed to damper.

"Why's that?" You questioned.

"He got a call that is brother was attacked by a villain. You know the pro-hero Ingenium?" You nodded. "That's Iida's older brother."

"I see. I really hope he is fine then." Midoriya nodded.

"Anyway, after the Sport Festival ended, we were called back to homeroom and Aizawa-sensei said that we would have the next two days off for rest." He tried to lift the mood up a little.

"Really. If that's so we should hang out in those couple of days. We don't need to do anything active. We could just sit around and talk at a cafe or something." You shrugged. You guys kind of hung out during training before the Sports Festival, but it would be nice to just relax with a friend for a day. You thought he would best since you guys have already met outside of school. Plus, you had his number, so it would be easier to get in contact.

"W-wait! You... you want to hang out with me?!" He seemed surprised at the very thought that you desired to meet outside of school with him for a second time.

"Of course silly. That is, unless you don't want to." You smirked at him.

"N-no. Of course I want to. I w-was just surprised is all." He stuttered.

You noticed your apartment coming into view. "Okay then, I can text you later on the details. Anyway, this is my stop." You slowed as you approached the multiple story building.

"Ah. Okay. Have a good night (L/n)-chan. I-i'll see you later." He said.

"Yup! Have a good night. Stay safe." You waved as you walked into the apartment. He waved back as well. 

As the door shut, you couldn't help but feel a bit giddy thinking about spending your break with the emerald-eyed boy you have gotten to know so well.

'I better get a good nights rest then!' You thought as you started your way to your bedroom

(A/N): A little bit of fluff for this chapter. This week, I was unfortunate enough to get an extremely high fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. I felt as if I was dying. despite the inconvenience, I'm glad to report that the fever has reduced to a mere cough. Anyway, Thank you guys so much for reading!

A Sky Full of Stars (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now