"And this is all from being gone for a week?" Corvus asks as she walks to the basket to pull a skirt out.

"You'd be surprised how many people rip their clothes so easily. Now, care to help?"

Much to her relief, there really wasn't that much clothes that had bad tears in them, just something that could easily be fixed in a matter of a few minutes. As Enya was placing the fixed clothing into basket, Corvus had to excuse himself, stating he had to be at Ezran's side to protect him.

"You're just saying that because I was going to make you drag a basket of clothes through the castle, aren't you?" Enya teases as Crvus hurries to the door. "Come on, I could use a big strong set of arms to help me out so Amaya won't be spilling clothes everywhere."

"No thanks, I'm good. I'll come by later with Ezran if Opeli lets him." The huntsman said with a shake of his head before shutting the door behind him.

"He's just embarrassed that I was going to get him to carry laundry around." Enya laughs to Amaya. "Come on, we can do the deliveries ourselves. Afterwards we'll head to the village to pick up some spools of thread and get a treat for the both of us. Say, a few jelly tarts with your favorite strawberry filling?"

Amaya barked excitedly as Enya grabbed the basket of folded clothes and tucked them under one arm. The two soon were hurrying through the castle handing clothes off to the soldiers who had left them for her to fix. As she was hurrying through, Enya heard someone calling her and turned to see a guard hurrying over.

"Marcos, what can I do for you?" She asks as the young guard stopped in front of her, sounding a bit out of breath.

"There is someone you have to see. Come, please."

"Okay...who is it?" Enya asks ash she follows him. "Is it really urgent?"

"Not exactly, but I figured you had to see who it was. Just...just follow, please."

Enya wasn't sure where she was expecting to be taken, but the pantry certainly wasn't the place. A pair of guards stood outside the doors as well, which made her wonder who was inside the pantry that needed guarding.

"Okay this is weird, weird even for me." Enya said with a frown as the guards stepped aside. "And I've already seen enough weird things this week, like baby dragons, Callum doing sky magic, giant dragons setting fire to my childhood village, giant spiders made with moon magic, but this takes the cake."

"Well, it's about to get stranger." Marcos stated as he pushed open the doors to reveal who was inside.

"Enya!" Claudia shouted in surprise. "Wait what are you doing here? I thought you were in Xadia?"

"I'd ask the same thing, and...what is your brother doing?" ENya asked, gesturing to Soren, who was chewing on some bread.

"Oh hey, you want some?" Soren asked through a mouthful of bread.

"Weren't you...bound to a bed last time I saw you?"

"I got fixed, so I can hug and walk and do everything I used to but with a crutch."

"Okay this really takes the cake." Enya mutters as Soren started to stuff three loaves into his mouth. "What on earth are you doing?! Get that bread out of your mouth!"

"Why?" Soren asks with a mouthful of bread. "I'm starving."

"You are going to choke!"

"Being a mother, as usual." CLaudia mutters as Enya hurries forward to snatch the three loaves out of his mouth and proceeds to scold her friend.

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