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You all followed the doctor, you having literally no idea where you were at this point in this ship. And you were conscious of the time you had left.

You sighed, walking onwards, and subconsciously drifting further away from the group. They were walking way too slowly. And you found yourself walking much faster in search for theses creatures. This ship was flipping massive!

You walked through one of the corridors without a thought before you were roughly pulled back and slammed against the wall, a hand quickly came to cover your mouth before even a squeak left your lips.

You opened your eyes, not even realising you closed them, in a panic before realising Missy was the one holding you up against the wall. You calmed down a bit, releasing a breath into her hand before flushing red realising how close she was and how her body was pressed right up against yours. She seemed to do this a lot.

You noticed how beautiful she really looked today. In that dress and her hair and make up and urgh, just everything looked stunning. Though that dress was surely there to tease you. The cleavage! And the night difference didn't help even with your heels, you were practically staring right at them!

Missy was peaking past the corridor, making sure to be quiet. She looked through, then at the doctor and the others and nodding before her eyes landed on you. She smirked down at you before lifting a finger up and pressing it against her overly painted lips.

She mouthed to you that the creatures were over there and to stay quiet. You nodded your head as she smiled and her eyes flickered down to scan over your body, making you go a deeper shade of red, before she licked her eyes with yours and let you go.

You released a breath you didn't realise you were holding, trying to cool yourself down before the two time ladies smiled. The doctor strutted towards the corridor and stepped through to the door. She quietly sneaked in behind some of the creatures and disappearing off behind the machinery before Missy stepped in happily and....noisily.

"Hello bastards of the universe!" Missy shouted loudly, waltzing around the place with a smirk.

You were a little taken aback by the language she used especially towards people who could probably end the planet any second. You looked at the others in a questioning way before Ryan shrugged his shoulders and started walking in, with you all following behind (though Graham a little more hesitantly)

The coloured creatures all turned around, snarling at you all and one of them lifted up what looked like a gun. You internally rolled your eyes, not even remembering how many times you'd been threatened with a gun now.

"How did you get on here?! Who are you!" One of them asked, presumably the leader.

Missy continued to smirk as she wandered around the room, her heels clicking with every elegant step.

"It wasn't that hard. This ship is shit you know that. Nothing gets through the doors of ours" Missy commented rudely.

You gave Missy a disbelieving look and she only winked at you, causing heat to rise up your neck.

"Who are you?! How dare you speak to me in such a way! Pathetic human!" The leader shouted.

Missy stopped in her tracks, glaring at it with daggers in her eyes.

"Don't insult me. Human. Oh darling you wish" she smirked "though I've learnt humans aren't as bad as I thought" she turned around to you again, her eyes scanning over you as she not so discreetly but her lip before turning back around "anyways, where you bitches from? Glom?" She sniggered, obviously is humans missing something.

"We are from planet Dweend!" Another one snapped.

Missy stared at them before bursting out into laughter, clutching her stomach through her laughter. Watching her like that made a smile tug at your lips, watching as tears of laughter started to sling to her eyes. Her smile was contagious.

"You're from that shit old planet?! No wonder you're threatening another planet! Damn I feel bad for you bitches!" Missy cackled.

You were giggling a little too before the creature started to shoot, causing you to stiffen up and freeze on the spot. The adrenaline started to gush through your veins, the fear at an all time high as you feared being shot at any moment while bullets whistled past your head.

Missy however was laughing even more, cheering as she twisted and dodged the bullets, laughing and literally looking like an insane person. Was she...enjoying this?

Finally the bullets halted at the tightness in your chest started to die down, a little. You breathed heavily, looking over at Missy with an unbelieving expression. She was literally crying out of laughter right now.

"Okay...just put the guns down" Yaz tried to negotiate, her police training kicking in.

Though all you could concentrate on was the fact that Missy was just there sniggering away.

"What the hell Missy?" You breathed "you're crazy"

Missy straightened up at hearing that, looking over at you with a smirk. She walked up to you, that smirk never leaving her face.

"Are you only just finding that out?" She asked, pecking your cheek with her lips before she started to walk off, grinning at the creatures.

You tried to calm yourself down, the wave of several emotions flashing over you. You shook your head, looking at Missy.

"How much did you drink?" You asked her.

Her lips twitched upwards into a wider smirk though she didn't answer. You didn't see her drinking so much at the dinner. No one really had enough time to finish dinner before the bloody trees!

"Missy they were shooting at us" I hissed.

"Oh hush. They're from flipping Dweend" she laughed "what a crap planet"

"Enough!" The leader shouted.

Missy looked at him, grinning while the creatures continued to snarl in anger.

"You will soon sing our planets name in praise and bow down to us. If you survive" the leader growled, before walking up to the machines and messing with the controls "watch your people burn in flames!"

You felt your heart drop as you heard that, quickly looking over through one of the large windows, staring at earth. He smashed one of the big buttons and you flinched, your nails digging into your palms as you waited to the impact.

However...nothing happened.

"Oops. Looks like someone's disabled your weapons" a voice spoke from behind the machines

You looked over and saw the doctors face pop up, her smile wide as she held up several wires over her shoulders.

13th Doctor x reader (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now