Old habbits

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You ran fast to catch up to the others, cursing the aliens for coming on Christmas and also while you were wearing heels! Heels! Missy didn't seem to be having any trouble at all. Of course not.

You all entered into the TARDIS which was thankfully parked a few streets away from the house. You'd hate to even think about all the damage costs Jo and Antony were going to have to sort out. Though they never really had a problem with cash. Joanna was a lawyer who worked her way up. You'd call them later to make sure they were okay though.

For now though you needed to sort out this aliens in...54 minutes and 32 seconds. Great.

The doctor started to mess with her sonic while Missy was doing something with the TARDIS. You don't remember the pair of them talking about the plan but you just guessed they had the same thought. Otherwise the doctor would have pushed Missy away from her controls by now.

"Okay...I'm kinda lost. Anyone else lost?" Graham asked, looking over at you all.

"Yup" You sighed "what are you gonna do now. We don't even know where those creatures are? For all we know they could be half way across the galaxy" you said.

"Well they did say they've been watching us. So I guess they're somewhere nearby" Ryan suggested.

"Good thinking Ryan. Ten points....ah. I keep forgetting about the points system." The doctor scronched her face up like a child before shaking her head "never mind"

Missy pulled out some wired from under the control panel, handing some to the doctor as she started to wire them into the sonic.

"I can track down where the signal is coming from of that transmit on the television. As soon as I find out where they are, we can go and pay a visit" the doctor explained.

Missy moved around the controls, messing with some of the controls as the doctor wired the sonic up and looked at the screens. You saw her eyes flicker of the screens before she nodded her head.

"They're orbiting the planet apparently. Just above some of the satellites" the doctor said "in their ship"

"Let's get going then" Missy spoke up, pulling down the big leaver which made the TARDIS breathe alive.

You held onto the TARDIS as it jolted suddenly. You held a tight grip on the golden shard while the TARDIS let out its groaning nose and shook around, taking you through space.

You looked over and smiled as you saw the time ladies working together on this and for once not arguing about how to properly fly. You enjoyed these bumpy rides and couldn't help the smile on your face.

Just as quickly as it begun, the TARDIS came to an immediate halt, almost knocking you off your feet. You stood up straighter, shaking about your arms a little as you all followed the doctor towards the doors.

"Let's see who's put there" the doctor smiled, and you could see her giddiness.

As soon as she opened the doors she outstretched her arms and smiled widely.

"Hi dudes....oh" the doctors voice changed from a loud and enthusiastic voice to a much more dull tone.

You started to panic a little, wondering if she knew whoever was out there. Or if she was being held at gunpoint or something.

You all quickly got out, preparing yourselves for the worst. Only once you got out you saw nothing. Literally nothing.

You looked like you were in some kind of corridor on a ship. It was quite nice looking though. It was all polished white and clean with the floors made from some black rock. The windows framed earth below you very well. You smiled, then looked over at the doctor who had a frown on her face, almost like a pout.

"Why are you looking like that doctor?" You asked.

She sighed "I wanted to say hi and talk to them. I was so ready" she frowned before shrugging and smiling again "oh well, means we get to go look for them and go on an adventure! Nice ship too this don't you think" the doctor commented, picking some random direction to start walking down.

You quickly made your way up to her, keeping up. You stayed close to her, not wanting to lose her in here.

You would be lying if you said you weren't starting to feel a little worried now. Your planet was at risk here. Like properly. Thinking about your family being in danger scared you. You were scared of what these creatures wanted. Why they picked your planet. What they were planning on doing with all the humans if they did get Earth. Would they kill everyone? Your family?

You couldn't lose your family. You couldn't go through that again.

You clenched your hands into tight fists, feeling your nails pierce your skin. You swallowed, feeling the anxiety of the situation rise up your throat and without you noticing you started to do something which you hadn't done in a long time. You grabbed onto the doctors lilac coat, holding onto her through your fear. You did this when you were sixteen. You remembered. Whenever you were afraid it was just a reaction. Though you stopped ever since the stupid no contact thing.

The doctor felt your grip on her and she turned around, facing you. You stepped back a bit, slightly startled at your own actions. You hadn't done that in a long time. The doctor smiled softly at you.

"Old habits?" She asked.

You stuttered a little, still slightly dazed as you looked at your hand.

"Very old" you whispered, looking back up to her.

The doctor continued to smile at you before placing her hands on your shoulders. She had a determined look on her face as those hazel old eyes looked deeply into your (e/c) ones.

"I won't let anything happen (y/n). We're gonna sort this" she told you.

She did this too before. Whenever you'd grab onto her coat she'd reassure you. And you couldn't help but feel reassured. You watched her for a few moments before nodding your head. She grinned, standing straighter as she turned back around.

"Now, lets go teach these guys a lesson and show them what happens when you mess with us"

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