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Sara looked at you, sighing before rubbing a hand through her brown hair. You thought back to all those bodies outside. You had no idea what was going on or what had happened for that to have happened. It scared you. The images of the bodies all mangled and blood was a lot. You didn't even realise you were shaking just at the thought of it until you heard Sara call for you.

"(Y/n) calm down. I don't want you going into shock, you're already shaking" she said.

"I..I don't understand. What's...what's going on. Why is everyone...there's so much..blood.." you started to panic slightly at the thought of it again.

You swallowed, finding it a little difficult to breathe. You closed your eyes, rubbing your temples with your hands, trying to get the image out of your head.

"Calm down. I'll explain everything." Sara said.

You opened your eyes, taking some deep breaths and trying to calm yourself down. You rubbed the palms of your hands across your legs uncomfortably and stared at her. She looked at you, making sure you were okay first.

"Okay?" She asked cautiously.

"Yeah...I'm not too good when it comes to death. I've...never seen so many bodies before..." you swallowed thickly, forcing any thoughts of your family blocked off.

You couldn't deal with those thoughts too. You couldn't go through that. Not again. Not here. Not now!

"It must have been a shock to you. I'm sorry. That's why I had to keep Cobi away. I need him to be safe. You see...this is a war. The start of a long war" Sara told you.

You looked at her, the information sinking in. That made more sense. Of course that was what was happening. Why else would there be fields of bodies outside.

"W..what..why is there a war? What's it about?" You asked.

"The leaders fighting over territories. Some alphas have been kidnapping other wolves. Then it the other alphas got involved's been going on for a while. Kidnappings and whatnot. Until all out war broke loose. It's no longer safe. It's a bloodbath here. I had to save Cobi. You were my only chance of protecting him" she said, her eyes flossing over with unfallen tears before she blinked then away.

"W..we can just hop into the future in our time machine. Bring Cobi back to you when it's all over" you said.

She shook her head, keeping her eyes closed, visibly trying to hold back tears.

"I'm not going to survive this. I intend on fighting till my last breath. I will not coward out of this. I must stand up to them! The second attacks may be coming soon" she said through clenched teeth.

" you mind if I ask...does Cobi have a father?" You asked.

She tensed and you shuffled away from her, not letting her touch you out of fear she'd lash out and hurt you again.

"I fear he may already be gone. He went out to protect me while I sent Cobi to you" she said, her voice wobbling slightly.

"I...I'm sorry.." you stuttered.

She just shook her head. You sighed, figuring there was no point in holding back on the questions now.

"W..why are there both people and wolves dead out there? I'm assuming they're all werewolves" you asked.

She breathed deeply before turning her attention back you you.

"When we're calm it's easier for us to change from a wolf back to normal. The ones who are people were the ones who found peace in their last breaths. I'm afraid there weren't many who found peace and many....many died in their wolf forms" Sara explained to you, swallowing thickly.

You sighed, rubbing your head. This was a lot to take in. You were glad Cobi had been sent to you and was well away from all this. You didn't know what you would have done if he hadn't been sent to you. And you didn't even want to think about what might have happened to him. It clenched at your heart in anxiety.

"How did you even get Cobi onto the TARDIS? How did you get him to us? The doctor said it's impossible for anything to get inside" you asked her.

This brought a small smile on Sara's face and your mood lifted slightly. It was good to see her smiling again.

"The doctor said not to spill any spoilers last time I saw you. Sorry. Just...please. Please, keep him safe. Keep my little cub safe" she almost begged you.

"Of course" you nodded "I promise"

She laughed slightly at that "I don't even know why I'm worrying. I know it's going to be okay. I saw it all years ago. It's just...scary right now" she said.

You nodded your head. You sighed, smiling at her. You guessed you would find out a lot more in the future some time. For now though it seemed that you had found all the answers you'd come for. And now you knew you had to keep Cobi safe. Of course you were going to do that before too but now it felt even more important. The boy had probably already lost his father and was most likely about to lose his mother by the looks of things. She seemed determined to fight.

"Thank you. For everything (y/n). Tell Cobi I love him. Tell him both mummy and daddy love him very much" she said with a wobbling voice, her eyes brewing with tears again.

"Of course. Don't worry. He's in good hands." You smiled at her.

"I don't know if I can thank you enough. Really. Instead all I did was give you bruises. I guess a wolf's strength is dangerous when dealing with a fragile human" she said.

You smiled, chuckling slightly.

"Don't worry. I'm fine really. I've had worse" you smiled.

She opened her mouth to say something before you saw her figure tense and her gaze look out into the space ahead of her. You saw her eyes change from their emerald orbs to a darkened black and heard her growl, her features hardening.

"The second attacks are on their way. You need to leave!"

13th Doctor x reader (2nd book)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum