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You all stepped into the control room, still having seen no sight of Yaz or the doctor. You didn't mind though. It gave you guys some time to look up some big halls for the date. And you don't think the doctor would want you going out anyways. And she wouldn't be happy if she caught you all flying the TARDIS somewhere without her permission.

"Right then. We want to go somewhere without any people. Somewhere full of nature" Missy said while moving around the controls.

"Yeah. Just somewhere peaceful and beautiful. I just wanna go walk on an alien planet. I still love how I can say that" you grinned.

"I know the perfect place. I went there when it was winter once. Let's go when it's summer. Some sunshine would do us some good" Missy told you all.

Missy smiled before starting to flickering loads of switches and pulling loads of leavers and whatnot. You smiled, just watching her for a moment.

"This is stealing" Graham mumbled.

"It's borrowing Graham. We're borrowing her for a bit. That's all" you said.

Missy smirked at that as she quickly took you to the destination. You noticed that the TARDIS hadn't shook like it usually would. In fact, you didn't feel a thing.

"How come it hardly moved?" You asked.

"Blue stabilisers remember" Missy quickly replied with while switching a few flicks to properly land.

You nodded, remembering the argument the doctor kept having while flying with Missy the first time. They did make the ride quite boring though. But you didn't exactly want the doctor to notice you'd taken off.

"Right then. Let's go take a look outside" Missy said, walking towards the doors.

You practically ran behind her, quickly getting to the doors with Missy. You really wanted to get out there. See where she took you. You wanted to stand on an alien planet again. You hadn't realised how much you really wanted that, needed that. It was like some sort of addiction. You had to go somewhere, see new things. Like you need your fix everyday.

Missy opened the doors and stepped out. You quickly followed behind, squinting your eyes as the sunlight hit your eyes. Once your eyes had adjusted you opened them properly and stepped out fully. The view took your breath away.

There were magnificent mountains and hills behind on the other side of a big river. There were quite a lot of animals roaming around the place. The field had wonderful green grass around and quite a few trees on your side of the river.

"This is so beautiful" you smiled.

"Yeah. Come on, sit down, take in the view. By the way that river is pure water so if you're thirsty go ahead" Missy informed you.

You smiled, moving over and sitting down next to the stream. The water was so beautiful and just the noise of the running stream was so peaceful. The sun was shining and warm in you up and the view of the mountains was beautiful.

"This is amazing" you smiled, looking around.

Missy came and sat down next to you. Graham and Ryan sat opposite you both. You smiled, running your hand through the water of the river. It was cold and ran past your fingers gently. The grass was soft beneath you. This whole place was so beautiful.

"Look, there's alien fish here" Ryan smiled, looking into the stream.

You looked and saw some fish swimming about in the water. You smiled, looking around at the several animals around you. There were a variety. Each one beautiful in its own way.

You looked over and were about to say something when you saw Missy on some sort of tablet. You looked at it intriguingly, shuffling closer to her and seeing what she was looking at.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Looking for different venue halls for rent" Missy said "there's this intergalactic website which lots of planets advertise things on their planet from across the universe. I'm looking for the best one" she told you.

"Woah, there's a website which literally every planet in the universe uses?! How come earth hasn't used that?" You asked.

"You're a little behind dear when it comes to anything to do with aliens and space travel" Missy said.

You rolled your eyes, humming in response. You looked around the place, taking in the view for a bit.

"So, what kind of places have you found so far?" Graham asked.

Missy showed you all the tablet and you all stared to look through the choices. You made the basic things you needed to be a large hall and some speakers to play some music. But also some instruments in case you decide to have a live band playing or something. How expensive it was wasn't really such a big problem because the TARDIS could print out as much cash as you needed.

Just then, the doctor and Yaz both walked out of the TARDIS doors, clearly shocked that you'd moved. You and Missy quickly hid the tablet before they made their way over to you. You couldn't let them know what you were doing. They both walked over to you, Yaz amazed by the landscape she was seeing and the doctor looking a tad more pissed off.

"Missy! Have I ever told you that I don't appreciate you stealing my TARDIS!" She yelled at Missy.

"Calm down we didn't steal anything we borrowed it." Missy shrugged.

The doctor threw up her arms and sighed, shaking her head.

"Why do I bother" she mumbled before sitting down.

"This place is beautiful" Yaz commented before sitting down next to you.

You looked over at Yaz and smiled, nodding your head. You looked around you and gasped a little when you saw a spider crawling next to you. Normally you'd be scared shit of spiders but you couldn't help but feel enchanted by it. It was beautiful.

You reached down your hand and let the spider crawl onto your hand. You just stared at it. It was so beautiful. It's shape was exactly like earth spiders except it was a beautiful marble blue colour with specs and streaks of silver. You just admired it, staring at it while it crawled about on your hand.

"So, what were you guys doing here before we came anyways. Must have been something important considering you went out when I thought I said I don't want (y/n) going out in her state" the doctor asked.

You rolled your eyes, looking at her.

"My state is fine. Anyways, I wanted to go on another alien planet. I was bored" you shrugged.

The doctor just hummed in response before getting into a full conversation with Missy, Ryan and Graham. You smiled, looking back at the spider. You realised how quiet Yaz was being and you looked over at her.

She was looking at the doctor. Just looking. But her eyes looked so sad and regretful. You frowned, putting down the spider.

"So, what did she tell you?" You asked her.

"Everything..." She said, taking in a deep breath before releasing it shakily, keeping her saddened eyes on the doctor "...everything.."

13th Doctor x reader (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now