Wakfu: Percedal's Sister

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AN: If you wish you can skip this chapter, it doesn't have much of Nadia in it.

Our journey begins with a old man and a baby carriage. The man appeared In an alley surrounded by a blue light. When the light faded, fog covered the village as he began to walk through it.

"Say old man, what's in the baby carriage?" The hooded figure said as the old man ignored him and kept walking. "Why don't we take a closer look!" The figure growled in a dark and creepy voice. It ripped off the cloth to reveal dark creatures, with horns unlike any other. They all carried the sharpest of weapons that would of scared off any other person. But the old man just frowned at the laughing demon like creatures.

A mist formed around the old man and covered the bridge.

"I like your trick with the mist but it-aahhhhhh!" A high pitched scream came from the creatures as they were all kicked off the bridge.

The old man simply adjusted the blanket as he heard a voice behind him.

"Bravo, truly impressive. It didn't take you long to get rid of my grambos. Appearances can be deceiving." The voice said, the old man frowned and started moving again. Only to be stopped by the man teleporting in front of him.

The old man tried to continue, but the stranger just got in his way again. The stranger laughed.

"Take me for example, in spite of my size I have an insationable appetite. I have to devour the wakfu in everything I encounter. Ahhh my trackers have just discovered an incredibly powerful source of wakfu. Enough to satisfy my hunger for all eternity. But enough small talk, it's time you told me where you get your incredible power, and what you're hiding in the baby carriage." The old man glared, this man had no good intentions

"Best be on your way Xelor, or you will taste the wrath of Grougaloragran." The old man warned.

"Grougaloragran, what a strange name. The only creatures with names like that, the legends say are-no it's impossible. They haven't existed since the dawn of time. Show me what you are old man, and don't try to trick me or I'll crush you like a worthless insect." The stranger pointed at Grougaloragran, while the old man just kept walking away. A sword appeared in the strangers hand and he pointed it at the old man, the sword shot our a burst of energy. It would have crushed the old man if he didn't jump into the sky with the baby carriage.

   Somehow the baby carriage began float above the bridge as Grougaloragran prepared for battle.

"Interesting." The man with the sword noted at the floating baby carriage. He came flying at Grougaloragran, as the old man dodged his attack and punched him far backwards.

He dug the sword into the ground, stopping him from flying to far. The old man didn't let him recover, he stomped on the ground and pieces of the bridge went flying, along with the evil man.

In the air the man made a strange symbol with his fingers and everything stopped, no movement was made by anything. The debri all stopped in mid air. He laughed as he jumped from rock to rock until he grabbed his sword and came above the old man. He swiped down at the old man, and just when all hope seemed lost, Grougaloragran suddenly blinked and caught the sword with just two fingers.

"Huh? My time magic doesn't work on him!" He said in a panic. He teleported up into the sky and he was about to do another trick when Grougaloragran flew up in front of him branding backward to collect as much oxeygen as he could, then he blew it all back into his face. Now normally this would just get spit in another persons face, but instead of spit, fire came out of the old man's mouth and threw the other wizard to the ground. As Grougaloragran landed on the ground time started again.

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