The Magnificent Six

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 A while after their adventure with the cursed princesses, our heroes found themselves up against yet another problem.

   "Those lousy Iops and their duels. Honor doesn't pay, let me tell you. So just keep your head down, keep out of trouble, that's what I say." Ruel said as they walked through a dense forest. 

   "Yeah, but it's a pretty cool way to look at things." Yugo said.

   "Don't bother, Yugo. Honor, courage, generosity. These are the values we Iops hold dear. How do you expect an old Enutrof to understand the pleasures of confronting an enemy eye to eye." Dally said, Nadia rolled her eyes off to the side of the group. She wasn't really paying attention but she knew that somehow they were bickering again.

   "You're dead right. Understanding Iop philosophy is beyond me. I'd be out of my depth." Ruel smirked.

   "They're like a pair of jealous teenagers." Eva grumbled. They came upon a clearing in the forest that showed a small village.

   "Great. It's a village. Perfect time to do some shopping." Amalia said, putting her hands on her hips.

   "Wow! What a place! Come on!" Yugo said excitedly.

   "Yeah, but for how long? This valley wont escape Ogrest's Chaos for much longer. And how will the people survive if they have no more land to cultivate?" Eva said very seriously.

   "Ha-Ha-ha! Well they'll just have to steal, wont they? Then they'll become outlaws, and then Ruel Stroud will pick them up one by one for a nice reward." Ruel laughed. Nadia, tired of hearing bickering tried to venture ahead, but Percedal held her back.

   "All he ever thinks about is getting rich off others people misery." Dally grumbled. Nadia sighed, all Percedal thought of was helping people to her misery. Sometimes those people were really rude.

   "Guys, are we going? Or are we just gonna argue here all day?" Amalia said impatiently.

   "The youth of today. Don't even know what an honest days work is." Ruel said as they headed down the hill. Nadia stayed behind for a second just so she could avoid listening to more bickering.

   "Don't tell me there's no one in the village." Amalia said once they had arrived. 

   "But there are monsters here. I can taste the trouble." Percedal said, pulling out Ruby. An api rolled on the ground in front of him. "An api. What on Earth?" He said picking it up.

   "I bet it's a bad api. Or perhaps a demon in disguise! Now you said Iops were never afraid of anything, right?" Yugo grinned, Nadia just then arrived at the village. 

   "You're mixing up fear and foresight. A true Iop always stays ahead." Dally said, Nadia guess she wasn't a true Iop then. Aw well, she could care less about being a true Iop.

   "What a noble hero." Eva said sarcastically. Nadia wondered why it was that when she tried to avoid bickering so much, she always ran strait into it.

   "Yeah, more like a noble zero, you mean." Amalia said, hands on her hips.

   "Nothing but apis and arachnees." Ruel said, stomping on a arachnee. "By my shovel, we're hardly going to make a fortune here then, are we?" Az flew up to a barrel of api's happily looking around until a weird blue arm reached out to him, he flew up in the air surprised. He then fainted and fell to the floor.

   "Az!" Yugo yelled, running over to his best friend. But before he could get to him a little blue creature poked out from the api barrel .

   "Ah, see? See?" Dally said as they stared at the scared little guy. "Are you telling me that's not a monster?" It hid behind the api barrel once more. "He ran away, the coward."

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