Dean's POV

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“Dean…” I heard Castiel murmur behind me as I tried to wake Ash.

“I’m right here, Cas.” I said as Ash made a small noise. It didn’t look as if she was going to wake up, so I gave up and picked the locks on her shackles. “Cas, what happened?”

“My Grace…” He replied weakly.

“What about your Grace?” I said slowly, slipping my arms under Ashly and lifting her up, making her stir. “Shh, it’s okay, Ashly. I’m right here.”

“The dragon… he was draining it. He injected it into himself.” Cas shuffled, trying to stand.

I walked over to him, offering myself as a crutch. He gripped my shoulder tightly, keeping himself upright. “So your Grace? It’s gone?”

“Not quite, but it’s weak.”

“And what about Ashly? Why was she screaming?” I shifted a bit so that Ash’s head was resting on my shoulder.

“Dean…” She whispered, burying her face in the crook of my neck.

“She was injected with some of my Grace.” Cas said hoarsely.

My entire body suddenly burned with hot rage. “And what’s going to happen to her?” I said as calmly as I possibly could.

“It’s difficult to say.” He took a deep breath, “She seems strong… but she could very well die. An angel’s Grace can be too much for a human to handle, but if they are strong enough…”

“What?” I gritted my teeth.

“I cannot say. It’s not exactly something that happens often, Dean.” Cas said as we made it to the ladder that went to the surface.

“Son of a bitch.” I mumbled, “Cas, are you strong enough to take her?” I asked, indicating Ash.

“I don’t think so.” He shook his head, leaning against the wall.

“Alright. I’ll be right back.” I shifted Ash’s small frame so I was able to hold her with one arm, using the other one to climb the ladder. As soon as I made it near the surface, Jade rushed towards me and grabbed Ash, carrying her with surprising strength.

Jade took her and ran over to Baby as I went back down the ladder to pick up Cas. I threw him half over my shoulder so I could carry his weight. When I got up from the ladder, Jade came over and helped me once again.

"Thanks.." I said, out of breath back at the car.

"No problem." She replied, climbing into the back with Sam and Cas to watch over them. I sat in the front, turned on my car, and began driving back to Jade and Ash's house, occasionally glancing at Ash.

I made sure no one was looking when I reached over the front console and grabbed Ashly's hand tightly.

The Dragon's Stolen Grace: a Supernatural FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now