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Jin was a rather carefree teenager. Why would he care? A single thought was another second of his life, another drop of the small pond he was offered, not the river of life. Of all existence. He did not have a life to live. All that was left for him was the first couple of years, when people would be starting to get engaged, to plan their careers, he would be lying on his deathbed.

Unheard, unseen, uncontrolled.

The eternal truth, with open arms. Death was always at his door.

But who cared about that? If death's knock was all he knew, he learnt to live with it. He learnt to go with the flow, to ignore it.

He ate whatever he wanted to eat. He slept whenever he wanted to. He did whatever he felt like.

He was indeed a prisoner of time, but he kept his back turned towards it.

He treated death the way it was. Inevitable. But the only thing he was afraid of, was time. Running out time.


'Mom! I am going to stay over at Yoongi's'

'Alright, honey! Have fun!'

Jin walked over to Yoongi's and slid in the key. The door opened to expose Yoongi typing away at his laptop.


The other boy's seemed to ignore him. His hoodie, as always was two sizes too big on him and slid past his eyes.

Jin tiptoed slowly and realised that the man was fast asleep. He let out a small snort as tried to slide the laptop out of his hands.

"Stop." For a second, Seokjin thought Yoongi was awake. He waited for him to continue what he was saying, but was greeted with silence.

"Stop. Don't" Jin could barely make out what the boy was saying. With a lot of endearment, he realised that the man was dead asleep.

"So apprehensive of your work even when you're asleep huh? Let me look at it. Give me..."

He managed to slide the laptop out of the hands of Yoongi, who slightly ruffled but had no further response. Seokjin sat down beside him with a huff and took a look at the laptop before him.

So Far Away

Everyone is running but why am I the only one still here?

Everyone is running but why am I the only one still here?

Everyone is running but why am I the only one still here?

Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at the sleeping Yoongi and read on.

Dream, your beginnings will seem humble
So prosperous will your future be

That’s right, fuck, I live because I can’t die
But I don’t have anything I want to do
I’m in so much pain and loneliness but people around me
Keep telling me to regain my consciousness

It made sense, the song was kind of a reassurance. A promise perhaps. Even when he had mixed feelings, even when he felt hopeless, he knew that he has to dream.

It made Seokjin feel happy. If Yoongi was able to sort out and formulate his thoughts so well in song form, it has to mean that he's doing well.

Though it left a sharp twinge in his heart, talking about the future. He wondered if he had a future. If there was anything beyond this veil. This state of being.

Before he could spiral further, he left the laptop on the side table, not wanting to mess up anything on accident.

Stretching, he lied down beside Yoongi. Trying to sleep. It was nice to coexist.

Stars★|Yoonjin|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora