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A few hours passed as Nighteye was awake and cleaning the house. Normally he always did, picking up the flowers you missed or left behind while cleaning or just simply walking around the apartment this morning. 

For you, you just let the flowers be scattered around the floor, they were nice and beautiful as they were. The flowers couldn't wilt away or even die unless the person died who was attached to those flowers.

When moving on the couch, you slowly started waking up from your deep slumber. Fluttering your eyes open while letting out a yawn, sitting up and stretching with flowers falling from your face and landing on your lap.


Strange, you could tell nighteye was still here even if you couldn't hear them make any noise, it smelled clean and fresh. Of course, he would do this for you, he's too kind for his own good. 

Standing up from the couch while the blanket slipped off your shoulders, stretching your body up with a few joints popping. Walking out of the living room and into your kitchen where Mirai had all of the flowers he found around your apartment piled up onto the counter. 

Walking up behind Mirai quietly as you placed a hand against his back with a small giggle.

"Did you have fun looking for my yellow flowers around my apartment?" you asked.

Mirai jumps from the feeling of your hand against his back and when you spoke, looking over towards you with a faint pink to his cheeks. 

"O...oh you're awake, uhh..sure, yeah..." 

Mirai paused for a moment before speaking again.

"Did you sleep well?" Mirai asked, changing the subject.

"I slept just fine."

"Oh, that's good, good.." 

Mirai paused for a moment before speaking. 

"Oh, did you watch the news this morning? If not, then I might as well inform you."

"Mirai, you know I don't watch the news, I don't like Tv in general. But, I should start watching it again."

You said as he shifted yourself closer to Mirai while looking up at the man that seemed to have a strict expression on.

"Why? what's going on in the world?"

Mirai sighed as he looked down at you, he couldn't help but smile on how you looked up at him with such a happy expression you had on all the time, it was lovely.

"Heh, it's the villains, there getting more violent during the night time. I fear that there gonna hurt you if I'm being honest. I worry for you since you know..."

Mirai moved his hand to your face, gesturing towards your flowers.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not that strong, I-I mean you are but...your condition, I worry for you, and your safety, (Y/n)..."

Mirai says looking down at the flowers before looking back towards you for your answer to what he just said. You didn't know how to really respond, I mean, he wasn't wrong. You could die in an instant if you weren't careful.


Mirai cuts you off in a panic.

"I'm not saying you're weak!"


He cuts you off again, seeming more rushed and filled with worry.

"I just don't want you to end up in a horrible predicament!"


"and just end up getting yourself killed because I wasn't there to protect you and!!!-"


Mirai stopped talking as a few tears rolled down his cheeks, his breath was shakey as his body trembled.

You move over to him and got right in front of Mirai. Moving your hands and placed them against his teary cheeks, leaning up and soon kissed his cheek and held them closely.

"Mirai, calm down, I know you're worried, I know you're scared. But please, I'll be okay."

You said as you kissed his cheek once more as Mirai had calmed himself down and soon pressed himself against you.

"Tell me...I know you woke up earlier while I slept. But, did you sleep?" 

Mirai seemed to tense up while being asked how he slept. A sharp glare covered his glasses as he looked down at the pile of glowing yellow flowers over your shoulder once more, seems he had a field of guilt over something.

"It was alright..." 

You knew he wasn't, after that whole thing of being worried over you, something else was bothering him, moving your hand and placed it on their shoulder before going in and giving him another hug. 

"It's what you saw...isn't..? Please...tell me what you saw..." 

You pleaded, wanting to know, you were ready, even if you didn't want to know the horrible truth. He saw something he didn't like, it only made you more curious about what he saw, maybe it would help him get it off his chest.

"Please...It's okay...please I promise you'll be okay, I'll be okay," 

Assuring Mirai, you didn't want him to feel afraid to tell you, you wanted to know. Even if it did feel wrong to know what will happen, it'd be better if you knew so you could plan for the future of your existence.

Mirai, on the other hand, was trembling, he took it apon himself to get the courage to say it, he knew you wanted to know as he looked down at you. 

"If you must..." he said while inhaling and exhaling calmly. 

"I was only able to look into your future 8 years, that's where it cuts off..." he paused while swallowing. 

"You end up dying from a wound with your flowers overwhelming you, but in reality it starts to consume you from within, slowly going into darkness until your body gives out in someone's arms..." He said as you looked up at him. 

"Who's arms?" 

"I don't know, it won't allow me to see who the person is, only that they have white hair and being covered in...b...blood," Nighteye answered, 

"But when the 7th year happens, it's when everything starts becoming harder for you, you'll be taken care of and unable to do things on your own..." 

With that, you held the man tight and shove your face into his chest. Holding them close and didn't let them go what so ever and neither did he. 

"I'm sorr-" 

"No, thank you- thank you for telling me, Mirai." cutting Mirai off while you look up at him.

"Thank you-" Placing a soft kiss against their cheek, you were thankful they told you. 

"Now with this info, it will only make me strive to do more and want to achieve more and work harder for people in need. Including you, Mirai," you said with a bright smile on your face. Your positivity and strength to keep going only made Mirai shed a few more tears while embracing you even more. 

"This world doesn't deserve such a pure, sweet, and wonderful person like you, (Y/n)"

Mirai said while you were slightly lifted off the ground by them. Then lifted higher onto the counter and sat in the flowers that surrounded both of you. If you recalled you've never seen Nighteye show this type of emotion at all to anyone but you. 

Were you...were you that special?

((Heya reader, I'm about to shed some tears of my own of the sadness of the truth-- Hope you are enjoying it so far stay tuned in for more!!))

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