The Doctor (Pt6)

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"Now we can finally talk, (Y/n) (L/n)..."

Kyudai goggles had a soft glare to them, having a happy-looking smile on his face, walking over towards the bed and over to the machine next to it, reading your vitals and writing them down on the clipboard he held. 

"The name is Kyudai Garaki, but please call me Garaki." Kyudai says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Garaki," you said smiling.

Kyudai looked over towards your direction, you were looking down at your hands, flowers falling from your face and onto the bed.

"Hanahaki? Correct?" Kyudai says.

You look up from your hands and directing your attention towards the Doctor, you were surprised he knew exactly what it was. Most people would just call it the: 'Flower disease' 

"Yes you're right, Hanahaki, how did you-"

 Kyudai then laughed with a happy expression on his face.

"Ah! Don't be so shaken, (Y/n). I'm a Doctor I should know what my patient's quirks are, but yours is, interesting to say the least." Kyudai said.

The Doctor shifted himself over to the other side of the bed for the other vitals of info. 

"So, what did you wanna talk about Dr. Garaki." You asked, looking at the man.

You thought he seemed friendly enough, so you didn't mind his presence or happy-like attitude, it was nice. Maybe he would give you good news, you hoped so anyway. Kyudai's goggles glared once more, his eye peering from the side of his goggles with a smile.

"Oh, haha, almost forgot, I apologize." He said.

"Oh it's okay, take your time, I am in no rush and neither should you be." You said.

The Doctor had soon finished up reading the last of the vitals and than faced you.

"Well, you seem to be doing well so far. But, You see, your lungs are filled with vines. The only way for it to be calmed is relaxing and staying here for some time. Just a few days in the hospital so I may monitor you." Kyudai says, shifting himself back over to the other side of the bed.

"Your quirk is quite harmful to your body, from what I know, you seem to be the only one whos ever had this type of quirk." Kyudai says, thinking to himself.

You look at the Doctor, sighing. 

"Only one? Good, I don't want anyone to ever have a quirk like this." you said, shifting yourself in the bed, laying back and closing your eyes underneath the flowers.

Kyudai looked over towards you, grinning.

"I see, well, what if I told you..."

The Doctor leaned in close to you and whispered:

"I can get rid of your disease..."

You tensed up, your eyes suddenly opened.

"For good."

You became shaken up, your eyes glowed a light (E/C). You didn't believe what you just heard. Gulping as you clenched your fists. Sitting up in the bed and looked directly at Kyudai, It can't be true, was this true? You didn't know if this would be a way to get rid of it.

Kyudai's eye's pierced a light red, smiling as you pulled away from the bed. Chuckling as he shifted his mustache. 

Soon you kept your composer, inhaling and exhaling calmly. Looking at Kyudai with a gentle smile, one of your eyes peering out from the flowers that covered your face.

A chance at love- (AllForOne x Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now