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Chapter 12

"A sports piece?"

Janet looked at Gemma, her gaze unwavering. "Yes, and I'm going to need it ASAP."

"But what about Sandra from weather? She knows a hell of a lot more about sports than I do!"

Janet shrugged. "I already asked her but her vacation days are coming up so she can't do it. Everyone else is either gone or too busy. You're my last hope, Gemma."

She stared at her boss wide eyed, pleading for anything other than this assignment. The sports analyst, Chris, had come down with a severe case of the flu, and with no one else as his backup, Janet had come seeking Gemma's guidance.

"It's a short project, only a few weeks, and all you have to do is travel with the team once every week until their name gets cleared up from all the drama. Think of it as PR experience."

Gemma frowned. "But I don't want to be a PR."

"Like I said, only a few weeks. The teams' PR manager will be doing most of the work with them, so all you have to do is take notes on what she wants to be aired for the show next Monday and maybe get some shots of the progress."

Gemma sighed and rubbed her eyes. "So, what team am I supposed to be following?"

"The Boulder Jets."

Gemma's eyes widened as she gulped. "The... Jets?"

With a concerned look on her face, Janet spoke. "Yeah... everything alright?"

Gunner's going to hate this was her first thought. The Boulder Jets were the second-best hockey league in Colorado and ranked only a few places below Gunner's team nationally. They were the Blazers' rivals through and through.

"Yep," she swallowed, nodding as confidently as she possibly could. "When does my flight leave?"

"3 PM tomorrow. You'll board with the team on their jet and fly out to LA from there."

Letting out probably the 100th sigh of the day, Gemma leaned back in her chair and nodded. "You got it, boss."

Janet smiled and gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Thanks Gemma, I owe you one."

Oh yes, you certainly do.


Back at home, Gemma waited patiently for Gunner to come back. She had been thinking about how to break the news to him, grueling over dinner about how to tell the man she's been sleeping with that her job for the next month is traveling with the team he despises.

It's not like it mattered that much, and usually, she would tell herself that what he thought didn't matter because it was part of her job.

But the sex. The great, amazing, hot sex complicated everything.

At around 8, Gemma was starting to doze off when the door unlocked. The apartment was dark except for the light of the TV, but Gemma could still make out Gunner's strong features.

"Hey," she said softly, rubbing her eyes. Gunner set his bag down and came to her on the couch, plopping himself down lengthwise and resting his head on her lap. "Hey."

She ran her fingers through his hair, loving the silky way it felt. "You look exhausted."

He let out a low laugh. "I don't know if I should be offended."

Gemma took in the way his face looked in the light. The sharp, structured jaw, the perfect nose, and long lashes... everything was perfect. "Trust me, you look great."

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