9 / Sherbet Eyes

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I make it up the stairs with a swiveling head in all directions for the cable guy. The sounds of pounding erupt from within my bathroom down the hall. I close in, receiving slight tingles from every hard thump that reverberates throughout the house. The door is cracked open just enough for a certain twenty-one year-old chick to peek through. I do this and more, placing a nervous hand against the door to assist with my private peep show. The man is inside, bashing out the innards of my bathroom wall with a hammer. He's accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. A hole this deep would have taken an ordinary guy at least thirty minutes to drill, but this boy has been here less than five.

I can practically hear Andrea's voice speak to me as if she were witnessing this herself, "Mmm... I wonder how deep he can pound my hole."

I try to suppress a laugh, but it escapes as my hand accidentally pushes the door inwards. My body braces for the fall, landing elbows first against the hard floor tiles. I can only see the stranger's boots from where I am. I want to look up but I'm too embarrassed. I want to turn around and high tail it out of here, but that's more embarrassing.

"You okay there, miss?" His voice is deep. As if I needed more reasons to like him.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay," I muster out. He helps me to my feet with his large tender hands. I feel latex rub against my skin from where he touches me. I wish they were bare, but this is good enough for now.

"You were curious about the loud knockin' huh? Yeah, I think I figured out the problem with the tv. There's a bad splitter back here in this wall that's causin' the signal to wig out all over the house. I'mma go ahead and replace it for you."

I smile and nod, not having listened to a single word he said. I'm too infatuated with his sherbet eyes. God, those eyes. Wait, what have we here? Are those veins really poking out from his muscular forearms right now? Please, please, please, let this one be single.

"But'cha know," the boy slides off his sweaty glove by the middle finger and extends his arm out for a shake. I snap myself out of my trance and receive the stranger's warm hand into mine. He grips me tightly, yanks me forward by my wrists, and glares right into my soul. Those sweet sherbet ice cream eyes of his feel like they're melting me. He speaks, but his voice is different from before. It's heavier, familiar. He smiles before choosing his next careful set of words. "I can tell that you and I are gonna meet again."

I feel a hand run behind my back, down to the edge of my sweater, and tug upwards until my panties are exposed. "Don't you think so, Valentina?"

Oh my God. It's him. It's the villain from two nights ago. I look at the stranger once more, but I no longer see the charming cable guy with pretty hazel eyes. No, all I see is a horrific black mask and dark, demonic red eyes. Just before he can make another move, I seize my opportunity and manage a fist. It shoots forward, busting into the boy's left cheek with enough force to frighten even myself. He stumbles backwards until his spine hits the bathroom curtains. I don't think he expected such power from me either.

"Val, you okay up there?!"

I hear Andrea charge up the stairs with what sounds like smaller footsteps following behind. The cable guy supports himself back to his feet with his hand covering one side of his face. Andrea and Kayla find us together. Their attention falls on the man who's clasping his swelling face, then onto me. Andrea makes a face like she's ready to curb stomp a bitch and a nigga at the same time. "Val, what'd he do?!"

The man lets out an exaggerated moan before I can utter a word. "Damn, my bad y'all. I tripped over that stupid hammer and nearly cracked my skull open. Thanks for comin' to check in on me, Val. I really appreciate it."

Andrea's aggression dwindles, content with what the stranger said to be true. Kayla waves for him to leave. "I'd better make sure he's okay. Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll come back another day to fix the cable."

Kayla scurries down the hall. The man does the same, trudging through Andrea and I. At this very moment, it's like everything slows down. The man still has a hand shielding his face. He attempts to walk past me but he uncovers part of his hand so that I can see his crooked smile. I want to hit him again but he exits the room sooner than I want him to. At least I managed to get one good lick in.

That's for stealing my car, asshole.

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