29. Ethari/Runaan- Cry

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two loving husbands and a smol child


"...and so the story ends." Runaan closed the storybook and placed a loving kiss upon (Y/N)'s forehead, tucking them into the warm blankets encasing their tiny body. The child pouted, raising their arms in protest, flailing their tiny stumps of arms.

"It can't end there! There has to be more!" their voice screeched, mouth wide open, yowling, "The story has to be longer! Where's the detail, the drama, the evil witch? Where is the classic fairy tale?" Ethari laughed at their childish antics, cupping their small cheek with his palm, smoothing out the skin with his thumb.

"Sometimes a real happy ending happens without all the turmoil. Like us, we have it all right here," he said, drawing out the "l" in "all." Runaan put his hand over his husband's and gave his lips a kiss. (Y/N) stuck their tongue out, cringing at the sight of public affection.

"Ew! Love! Gross!" they exclaimed, shaking their head in disgust, "When I'm old, I'm never gonna fall in love! It's icky!" Both of the father's cast a knowing look to one another, exchanging smiles. After the small fit, the blankets had been messed up in (Y/N)'s room, and the small figure was now out and about, standing on top of their bed. Ethari gently sighed, lifting up his kid and placing them onto his lap.

"You know (Y/N)," he murmured, gingerly hugging them to his chest, "I used to never think that I would fall in love. But then your daddy came along, and now I have you. Love wanders into your life where you least expect it, and I think that when you get older, you'll find it too. From us, to somebody who can take care of you when we are not able to anymore." (Y/N) hesitated, thinking about his words.

"But I'll only love you and daddy!" they proclaimed, pridefully smirking, "Nobody else deserves my love!" Everyone shared a laugh as Runaan joined the small hugging circle, his arms wrapped around the two lights of his life. The two elves looked at each other, a small spark of warmth radiating from their irises. (Y/N) began to take notice of how their dads looked at each other, how affectionately they treated one another, and how passionate they seemed about loving each other.

Runaan and Ethari shared another kiss under the dim moonlight, their shadows cast beautifully behind them, the sky illuminating their faces, delicately highlighting the love hidden in the action. This time, (Y/N) didn't complain.

Maybe love isn't so bad.


"Dad? What's wrong?" (Y/N) dropped their bag at the sight of Ethari curled up in his working chair, the tinkering shop awfully quiet. "What's happening?" The Moonshadow elf looked up, tears silently streaking down his cheeks, eyes blank. Gasps of air came between desperate sobs of grief, hiccups interrupting the utter despair and dismay that he was feeling. His child rushed to his side, immediately embracing him with open arms, wrapping them around his figure.

(Y/N) felt themselves begin to tear up.

"Dad, tell me what's wrong, please!" they cried, fingers clawing at Ethari's back, bunching up his usually well-ironed uniform. "Why are you sobbing like this? Who did this to you?" The dark-skinned elf only shook his head, hugging his child back with a touch that screamed a lack of it. (Y/N) buried their head into the crook of his neck, their face half-engulfed in his crisp, white locks of hair. The smell of chrysanthemum and lavender overflowed their nostrils, almost calming them down, but heard the sound of heartbreaking, never-ending sobbing from their backside.

"Dad, I'm here for you, please..." they begged, holding him in their arms tighter. "Please... just don't let go, okay? I'll stay here as long as you want." Hours passed until Ethari just couldn't cry anymore, dried tears staining his face and the ground, his chest heaving. Both of them were absolutely exhausted, with puffy red eyes and the darkest of thoughts befalling their minds.

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