03: look

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

2:19 pm

"I thought you said you've been here before," Jeonghan says.

Joshua pauses, taking a deep breath before moving forward again, reluctantly so. "I have," he responds. His answer is simple, but for the most part, he doesn't know enough Korean to give the other male a better answer.

For the most part.

"If that's the case, then why are you acting as if you've never hiked this trail before?" Jeonghan laughs, looking over his shoulder to see Joshua, who is clearly struggling behind him.

"I don't..." He misses a step and almost stumbles, which scares the shit out of him, but he doesn't yelp or make his fear obvious. "...remember... this part."

When they had been dropped off at Griffith Park, the duo realized that in order to get a closer view of the monument, they had to hike all the way up there, to the top. Of course, Jeonghan didn't have a problem with doing that--- Joshua could already tell Jeonghan was the type of guy to go head first into anything, just for the thrill, even if that meant risking his life in the process. (Okay, maybe that was a bit morbid, but his point stands.)

As for Joshua?

Well, he was apprehensive about it. Hiking was just climbing, and the climb wasn't that steep, so it wasn't really a big deal. The chance of falling was possible, but not big enough to scare him away from following Jeonghan up this hill--- and not big enough to stop him from following Jeonghan anywhere, when it boiled down to it.

So here is, putting one foot in front of the other, not knowing where his eyes should be looking. At his feet, getting dizzy in the process, feeling time going by too slowly as sweat dribbles down his nape? At the sky, lifting his head up to watch the birds circle on by, envying their wings?

Nope. The only reason Joshua is doing all of this is because of this foreign boy, who is happily marching up this dirt-ridden, grass-covered, peony sprinkled hill, even though it seems to go on forever and ever.  

And it's certainly weird--- Joshua has never really pushed himself out of his beloved comfort zone for anyone else's sake. Hell, he doesn't ever remember being this active since middle school, when he had no choice but to participate in P.E class. 

In all honesty, if it had been anyone else besides Jeonghan, Joshua doesn't think that he would've been as able to come out of his 'zone' as easily as he did. Instead of hiking with a man he barely knows and just met an hour ago, he's pretty sure that he'd be at the cafe, working until five pm. Then, after he'd get off work, he'd head straight home, where he'd spend the rest of the night marathoning Inuyasha like a total dweeb.

Yeah, he had friends, a small circle--- or more like a scatterplot, with only a few dots. Some were here, some were there, but he barely saw them unless it was at school--- small talk--- or over the phone, where the topic of conversation was usually homework and nothing else.

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