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1:41 pm

It's too soon to feel this enamored by someone he's just met, yet it's just so easy when it comes to a dreamy, foreign man named Yoon Jeonghan. One glance, one shared breath of air, and suddenly Joshua finds himself clocking out of his shift to meet Jeonghan outside.

But first, he has to get someone to cover his shift for him--- which is a difficult task.

"Alex..." Joshua shifts his feet a little. "Do me this one favor."

She's appalled. "But I've been here since eight am! And I'm supposed to be clocking out in thirty minutes, while your ass literally just got here an hour ago!"

Joshua shies away from the riled up woman, but doesn't hesitate to pull a certain card. "I'm helping this guy as you asked! What happened to having a good heart, huh?"

A finger is pointed in his face, but it's no threat. She bites her lip and says in defeat, "Ugh... fine! Go have fun with your lover boy and bring back a souvenir, won't you?"

This warrants a quick, but nevertheless grateful forehead kiss from her coworker. "Thank you so much, Reid!" is all he says as he makes a mad dash to the door, and gets, "I mean it, Hong! A goddamn souvenir, you hear me?" in return. 

He waves to Alex, who winks, and is greeted by the light, warm, and somewhat polluted atmosphere when he opens the door. Standing there is Jeonghan, whose shoulder-length, curled in black hair is being swayed by a gentle breeze, and Joshua exhales just because he feels the need to.

"Are you ready?"

Jeonghan doesn't hear him, so he doesn't turn to respond. Instead, Joshua watches the man lean more and more into the street that seemed to go on for miles, where vehicles like shiny red Camaros to dull blue Thunderbirds reside.

One particular car rips through the gravel like there's no tomorrow, just as Jeonghan begins to tip over due to his awe. Without thinking, Joshua rushes over to him and yanks back the sleeve of his oversized cardigan, causing the man to stumble back in surprise.

"Oh, Shua!" Jeonghan exclaims, unfazed, "You've escaped!"

Cooling down from a state of panic, Joshua's shoulders heave up and down, but the nickname doesn't go unmissed. In fact, it gives him a fair amount of goosebumps. "Yes..."

The man's hands fly to Joshua's shoulders, making them slightly jump in response. Joshua's nerves are all over the place--- Jeonghan's grip is both relaxing and anxiety-inducing. However, Jeonghan doesn't seem to notice that his touch has on Joshua, which is a relief. "So? What's the plan, Joshua?"

"I was thinking... we could take the tram?" he replies. It sounds like a wary suggestion, as if somehow, the guy asking for directions is going to tell Joshua that taking the tram is a terrible idea.

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