Sister's Approval

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Tyler's POV

I missed being home. I missed my little sister Christen tons. It's crazy honestly, I used to hate that bratty child but as she matured she became my best friend. I would do anything to keep my sister safe and absolutely everything for her. That brings me to this Tobin girl. I don't know why Chris wouldn't have mentioned her before but all of the sudden I got a phone call from my mother saying Christen had a girlfriend.

Trust me though, as the protective sister I am, I did my research. Tobin Heath, freshman for UCLA. "The next big thing". She was absolutely gorgeous I'll give Chris that but she was young. What is this girl some immature 18 year old? Christen is almost 21 and is vastly mature. I need to make sure this Tobin girl isn't some dumb bimbo who only cares about partying and sex.

I need to be sure she isn't using Chris because after all, she is Christen Press. She's the "best collegiate soccer player" for her class. She was the most sought after foreword in the game. If Tobin is using her to gain popularity, we'll have a real issue.

As I was scrolling through Tobin's countless highlights, I found an interview that caught my eye, "TOBIN HEATH SPEAKS ABOUT FELLOW TEAMMATE CHRISTEN PRESS". I listened to her speak about her new found fans and her overall game and she spoke very well. She held herself in a very mature manner which was a good sign. The video finally played the part I was waiting for, "Well it's great actually! We're super close and I love to spend time with Chris. She's an amazing player and even better person off the pitch. She really made me feel like I belonged on the team". She smiled as she spoke about Christen and honestly I think my mom is right about her. She seems like an amazing and genuine human being but I have to make sure.

Christen has never really been interested in anyone so the fact that she's so in love with Tobin already makes me worry. I need to make sure she won't hurt my baby sister.

Speaking of, I'm waiting for her to get home for my little reunion. It's basically just our intermediate family with our aunts, uncles and cousins.

"Ty!" I was thrown back onto the couch by Chris' body as she hugged me tightly. "I missed you".

"I missed you too, Chr- what the fuck is on your neck?!" Her face flushed red and I could see the panic in her eyes.

"It's uh- I got hit with the ball at practice and th-"

"Save it. Me and Tobin are gonna have a nice chat trust me".

"Ty come on don't embarrass her please. I really like her". I smiled at her.

"Aww my little sissy is in looooovvvee. It's my job to embarrass you and to make sure she's worthy of you".

She huffed in annoyance but let it go. "Fine but if you go too far we're going upstairs".

"Oh of course you want to go upstairs with Tobin".

Suddenly my mother's voice projected through the kitchen. "Tobin! I missed you! Why don't you come over more and hangout with me?"

"I missed you too, Ms. Press. And next week for sure. We still on for card night?"

"Yes of course!"

I gave Christen a smirk as a sauntered into the kitchen with her hot on my tail.

"So you're Tobin". She turned around and her confident aura suddenly radiated a bit less. I must intimidate her, good.

She stuck out her hand which I took. "Yeah it's nice to meet you Tyler, Christen said you're one heck of a surfer".

I gave Chris I light nod in acceptance before smiling at Tobin excitedly. "Oh my god yes! Do you surf?!"


"No way! I was gonna head down to white beach on the weekend if you're up to be schooled by a surf master".

"That sounds great actually but don't think you won't eat my waves"

"I like you Tobin. You're cool". Her face lit up as she looked to Christen and smiled.

Christen's POV

Why is my whole family obsessed with Tobin? She's my girlfriend! Her and Ty are geeking out over surfboards right now and it was all chill until Ty remembered one key detail.

"We do have to talk about that hickie you left on my sister's neck though". Tobin flushed red and honestly it was super cute.

"I'm uh, sorry?"

"Are you just playing with her? Using her for popularity? Just wanting to have fun?". Tyler started questioning Tobin and getting further into her face aggressively. Great my first girlfriend is about to fight my sister.

Tobin stood her ground confidently against my sister. "No. I want to be with your sister. She makes me happy and she's absolutely perfect to me. I love her. I see myself with her for a long time as long as she'll have me". Ty smiled proudly and dropped her intimidating mask.

She pulled Tobin into a backbreaking hug and said "welcome to the family Heath".

Of Course I Love Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें