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Tobin's POV

The hotel fucked up. Instead of having two twin beds like everyone else, Press and I had one singular queen bed. We told coach but she said we're both girls and we can make it work. Can you believe that?! I can't sleep in the same bed as Christen Press! I'm gonna lose my mind having her so close.

"Looks like we can share the bed. Unless you're too scared Toby". She sent another smirk my way as I tried to muster up some form of confidence.

"I'm not scared of anything". Her right eyebrow shut up like she didn't believe me.

"You seemed awfully scared on the plane. You sure nothing scares the little baby?". I laughed and shoved her onto the bed.

"Shut up Press I'm 18"

"Yeah barely. I'm still older"

"By like a year"

"Try two years Heath. I'm still in charge. Get changed into something comfy. We're going to Rose's to chill"

"Yes ma'am". She rolled her eyes at my remark and I just laughed. Honestly I felt pretty cool being on the soccer team and all. I'm the only freshman. There's three seniors: Carli, Pinoe and Hope. 10 juniors: Christen, Alex, Julie, Crystal, AD, Kelley, Becky, Jess, Ash and Ali. 9 sophomores: Abby, Rose, Lindsey, Sonnett, Sam, Mal, Tierna, Moe, and Allie. 1 freshman: me.

The newspapers and news has swarmed me recently. I am the only freshman to a team of champions. The talk of my ability and how I'm going to fit on the team is overwhelming. I'm just here to play soccer, not be a celebrity. I felt like one though. When I walked around campus people looked. Little girls asking me for pictures after practice. And I get to hangout with THE best team in the country. It's all sort of surreal.

I went through my bag and took out a Stanford long sleeve. One of my many Stanford soccer hoodies and then some black joggers. We get tons of clothes from the school, more than I know what to do with. It's cold in New York so I picked out warm clothes. Christen sat on her phone I bet waiting for me.

I took my shirt off and placed the long sleeve over it and then the sweatshirt over that. When I looked back to Press she was staring right at me and I knew she looked at my abs while I was changing. Point for me.

I smirked and took off my jeans and slowly slid my sweats up. I heard her gulp and almost grip onto the bed to keep herself from doing anything. That's interesting.

"Aren't you gonna get cold Press?". I looked at her outfit. Stanford sweatpants and a soccer T-shirt.

"Me? Uh no um lets just go". She stuttered. She still seemed awfully flustered and I guess I kinda liked being on the other side of things.

"Race you to Rose's"

Before I could say anything she took off and I followed her. I wouldn't have won either way but I didn't even know where her room was. We were both out of breath as we reached the door. She took a second before rubbing her win in my face.

"You just ate my dust Heath. Slowpoke"

"Shut up and open the door"

She knocked carefully and soon a wild Sonnett opened the door. There were so many snacks on the counter. Only half the team was up to hanging out because some people were tired. Their room was much larger than ours. They had two beds and a couch.

Christens POV

I love this team so much. These have been my girls for a few years and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

There were 12 of us girlies in the room.

Allie, Kelley, Pinoe and Sam were all huddled on the couch. Abby, Lindsey, and Mal were on one bed. Sonnett, Rose and Becky were prompted on a "pillow fort" they made on the floor. That left me and Tobin on the other bed. Perfect.

"You guys wanna watch a movie or play a game? Or play a game then watch a movie?" Asked Pinoe.

"Oooo ooo lets play never have I ever!" Screamed an excited Sonnett.

"We'll go around the circle starting with me!"

Tobin's POV

Sonnets face scrunched as she thought of a good never have I ever. I was nervous. I am the youngest so I probably haven't done anything compared to these guys.

"Okay! Never have I ever thought someone in this room was hot"

Everyone looked around and I was stuck. Of course I had! So I lowered my finger as they all screamed.

"Wait" said Allie, "I know Heath thinks Cap is sexy and Cap wants to break in the freshman if you know what I mean but Pinoe who did you think was hot?"

Pinoe laughed loudly, "well just to preface, not anymore because I started talking to Sue last week but when Tobin first got here I think we all thought she was hot so you can all shut up"


"True true"

I blushed profusely and laughed along with them. I knew they meant nothing by it but when I looked to Press she had another look to her. She grabbed me off the bed and pulled me into her lap. Her arms wrapped around me and she held me still.

"Mine". She said in a stern voice. I can't say I mind at all. It's actually kind of cute.

"Woah cap she's all yours". They all put their hands up in surrender and then we all laughed again.

We continued to play a few more rounds before we suggested to watch a movie. I knew where this was going and I was scared. I'm not the best with horror movies so when Sam put The Conjuring on I tensed and I know Christen could feel it.

She laid down onto the bed and pulled me into her to cuddle.

"Scared?" She teasingly whispered into my ear.

"Maybe" I fought back.

She pushed me so I was on my back and cuddled my side. I wrapped my arm around her as she placed her hand on my lower stomach.

"I can help with that"

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