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4 days later

Hercules had let Angelica stay in his apartment, telling her she could stay there as long as she needed.  She had also written to Alexander, telling him where she was now, that she had run away, and that she would marry him.  Currently, she was in Hercules's room, laying on the bed and reading.

There was a knock at the door, and she assumed it was Hercules.

"Come in!"  She called, not setting the book down, the door opened.  "Shouldn't you still be at work?"

"Well, Washington let me go since there's nothing going on at the moment."

Angelica sat up, putting the book to the side.  She looked at the man standing under the door frame.

"Alex-!"  She said, standing up and running over to him, hugging him and he hugged back.

"Heh, hey.  Did you miss me?"

"Well considering I ran away from home and ruined any good parts left in my relationship with my father, I've been a little eager to see the man I did it for."

Alexander laughed before pulling away from her slightly to look at her.  He was at most an inch taller than her.

"How have you been?"  He asked, twirling some of her hair around.

"I feel great now that I know my life is my own.  Now that I know I will get to be with you."

"I'm happy to hear that.  You look great."  

She smiled.

"So you've been living here with Herc?"

"Yeah, we still have so much catching up to do."

"You comfortable?"

She nodded, "We switch who sleeps in here and who sleeps on the couch every night."

Alexander nodded.  "Close your eyes."


"Just do it."  He said, smiling at her and she complied, after about 30 seconds he said to open them.

Alexander was holding one hand out and she looked down at it.

It was simple but beautiful.  It was gold but not very showy.  There was a simple purple gem with a few petal engravings around it.

Angelica loved everything about it.

"I know it's not much.  Probably nothing compared to the things you were given in the past or the ring one of your fathers suitors would have given-" she cut him off by kissing him, wrapping her arms around his neck.  She broke away after a few seconds.

"It's perfect."  She mumbled against him.

"Do you guys have to do this in my room?"  Hercules asked which made them jump.

"Dude, didn't I say to stay at work until I was done?"  Alex said, annoyed.

"I thought you'd be done by know!"

"I said it would be to at least 2:30."

"It's three."

Angelica laughed, "Come here Herc."  

She took the ring from Alexanders hand, putting it on her finger.

"What do you think?"

"I think… it suits you perfectly."

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