"Okay, i was in the middle of giving Eros a tour so you can come along Adonis."
I turned and began to walk back to where i was but didn't hear anyone following so i turned back around to see them glaring at each other again. "Well, are you guys coming or do you want to stand there all day checking each other out?"

They snapped out of it and came along. I gave them the tour of most of the palace and It took a good while. During it Eros and Adonis never said one word to each other. They would only talk to me but i guess that's better because if they did talk to each other it would probably not be very pretty words. It would only turn into a huge argument. When the tour was over i didn't really know what else to do with them.
Something that would not have to have them talk to each other.

The first thing that came to mind was the one thing i love to do.
I stopped and turned around to look at them.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" They shrugged their shoulder's so we headed off to the theater room. When we got there they had an argument on what to watch and it ended up with me getting to pick whatever i want, which of course was a comedy. Who doesn't like to laugh?

I sat down in the front row right in front of the screen. Eros sat on my left and Adonis on my right.

During the movie they both kept trying to touch me but everytime i'd slightly move away trying to not make it noticeable. It's not that i don't want to touch them. I mean look at them. Who wouldn't want to be touched by them? But i remember my father not wanting me to get with them and i think that i promised i would'nt. And i can see that it is probably because it would get messy if i did. I mean if i slept with one and then the other and they found out it would probably influence their hatred for each other even more. They already hate eachother. I shouldn't make it worse. But I know that if there's touching my promise just might get broken.

After the movie i checked the time to see it was about dinner time. Me and the boys went to the dining hall to see a lot of people walking around sitting, talking and eating. In the dining hall there were huge tables so that everyone could be able to have a seat. In front of the room there's the royal table where the Royal's ate with their families and that's where we headed.

Mother and father sat in the middle of the table while Eros's parents sat on the left and Adonis's on the right.
I sat down in my spot with my parents and the boy's went and sat with theirs. I turned to my mom with a small glare to which she raised her eyebrows at.
"Thank you so much for coming to get me for dinner. I seriously appreciate it."

She gave a laugh. "I was just about to send someone, dear."

I rolled my eyes and muttered,
"I'm sure you were."

Some maids brought my food out to me but before i could eat my father stood from his head chair and tapped one of his eating utensil's against his drinking glass to get everyone's attention. It didn't even take a minute for everyone to stop what they were doing and look up toward him with much respect.

He cleared his throat and began whatever speech he's came up with. "Thank you everyone for being here. I would just like to say real quick that i am very proud to see everybody trying to get along. I know how most of you have problems with the others but i am happy that you are putting them to the side for a greater cause. We will win this war working together and take out those who dare to think that they can just come to our worlds, our homes, and take over." Everyone cheered. "I'm not going to lie. It will be tough but i believe that we can do it. I hope you are enjoying the food. Afterwards i hope that you will go to your rooms for rest because tomorrow we will start our training. Thank you for giving me your time. You may go back to doing it is you were."

Everyone clapped and did as he said. I'm proud to. Of both the people and my father. They both are doing good at trying to keep peace. I look before me and see what looks to be groups. A separation between Angels and Vampires with Werewolf's joining in both sides. But to my surprise, i can actually see some Angel's and Vamp's sitting together. I am proud of my father for not giving up. On believing that we all can have peace and  live in Harmony together one day and coexist.

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